tiistai 6. elokuuta 2013

It has been too long....

since last I posted here but here we go again.... My day job is a bit quiet atm but getting busy soon. Now thI have got used to the day rhythm I can give more time for my primary project, you people, my dear readers! The break did not mean I forgot you and moved on. It was more to get more perspective to the mission. Network marketing is the way forward for everyone. You just need to trust it. And why not? You have seen the reason, helping others to succeed brings success to you!!!! No other business style works this way. Normally when you want to get a promotion at your work, you need to make sure your boss sees you in better light than the other candidates for the same position. This means some people rely on showing hard work (typical attitude in Finland), some rely on shining their armour and hoping for the best. There is also the approach from the US presidential campaigns.... Digging dirt up from your opponents!!!! Anything bad you can bring to the light about the opponent's history will be good for you!!!!
So this is what happened last week in Finland too!!!! One of the network marketing companies was taken as target in the media and I just heard there is a court case starting in the same area county courts against a network marketing case. Finland is such a small place that we 'know' these are connected.... I have not researched into this yet so I will let you know....
Regardless of that I know this is the right business model. Only time will tell whether I am in the right company but my sponsor and mentor David Gelkin knows what he is doing. His sponsor Johannes Linden has been in the board of World Direct Sales Association in 2002-03 and he decided to give one more go for network marketing (after deciding earlier to quit when his previous company was sold). It is Johannes's words which I am quoting now that there is no perfect MLM company but ours is very close to it!!!! So want to know more? Let me know....
So update for the court case... It is actually not about our industry but the one we are confused with. When you do not have any customers but you make your money from recruitment only is illegal. I just gave my sample away to a new potential customer 5 minutes ago, literally!!!