Network marketing.... Is it a sprint or a marathon? It is like any other business format. A marathon. No business is producing profit straight away. Turnover may be good but profit is still far away. So treat your network marketing business the same way as you would treat any other business. With the same seriousness and determination, otherwise you will fail. Even though you start your business from much smaller circumstances than others, it is still a business and needs to be treated with the same respect. You can't invest the same amount of time as you would have with your job or other business but those hours you put in need to be treated with the same respect. When you want your son or daughter to succeed in their chosen sports, for example, you do your best to support that decision. For the same reason you do your best to support your still small company so that one day you can fire your boss from your day job.
So take that as your target: fire your boss!
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