tiistai 30. lokakuuta 2012

Thought for the day...

From Bill Gates...

What do you think? Please, comment below

maanantai 29. lokakuuta 2012

Confessions of Mike Johnson

'When I first I got into network marketing it was to free myself from the rigorous traumatic body damage that happens to many of the hands on workers of today. I worked much harder than It was worth and it was taking it's toll on my body and my family time. Through conservative efforts and limitless trial and error, I found the best possible path to a worry free and stress free approach to financial freedom.

Today my efforts are not just for me and my family time as was the case two years ago, but I now reach out to people who seek the better things in life and help them to make money online. Lots of it. My passion is and has always been helping others succeed so they can have the freedom to enjoy a better lifestyle.

If you know me at all then you might know of my history with the many
millionaires that have crossed my path in the business world and I am telling you this,
1) I use the same strategy that Donald Trump, Jay-Z, Celien Dion, Beyonce' and many others use to remain a success,
2) that you will soon feel and see the successful growth results yourself if you let me teach you HOW,
3) that you will learn the skills to function in any business at all using my simple and effective strategy. (must be coach-able)

Today, I am in the business to help people who believe in their dreams. I want people to join me and my elite team members in acquiring a rewarding lifestyle. Let me and my team help you achieve your goals and dreams. For serious inquiries and coach-able entrepreneurs wanting and seeking financial freedom.'

And I believe the same here. I am much happier helping others to financial freedom than I have ever been. The point is that I could die now as a happy man, I have achieved what makes me happy. But then again, why not help even more people to the same!!!

lauantai 27. lokakuuta 2012

What is your hobby?

What Is YOUR Hobby?

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Real FreedomThe other day my daughter asked me what’s my hobby.
Well, truth is… what I do IS my hobby.
Marketing, business, sales… ALL OF IT, I’m totally and completely consumed by it.
She thought about it for a moment and said “but that’s your work, I’m talking about a hobby.
So we walked over to a window and I started pointing to our neighbors houses…
“See that house there? They leave at 6 am to go to WORK and stay chained to a desk for 8 hours before they get to go home.”
“See this house over here… they leave at 7 am to go do the same thing.”
“And basically all our neighbors, except for stay at home moms (which we have a lot in our neighborhood)… have to get in their cars, drive to some places usually fighting traffic and stay there for 8 to 10 hours working for someone ELSE.”


And then I proceeded to explain to her that what I do is not really work. I mean of course I do work, as in I do things and create things, etc…. but see I get to do exactly what I want to do and do it on my own terms.
I showed her one site by a young man, who is passionate about fitness. He took that passion and turned into a huge online business.
Fitness is his hobby and he was able to turn his hobby into a stream of income.
Then I showed her some other websites of people who are passionate about music and other things that have taken these hobbies and turned them into PROFITS.
Can you really call this WORK, in the same way that all these other people go to work?
What about athletes and entertainers?
You think that a ball player has any bigger hobby than playing ball… and does he consider it work?
I don’t think so.
So my hobby? It’s all about business, marketing and creating things that cause profits.
See, I’ve started this a LONG time ago. Back when I sat in my very first opportunity meeting (you know that’s when people got together in a meeting, not on a webinar :) ), and I caught the entrepreneurial bug.
I started to read and listen to everything I could get my hands on that had to do with sales, business, etc…
And when you get “consumed” by something to this extent for a period of time… it starts becoming a major part of who you are.
Most people people think of their work and careers as something they DO when they work.
Years ago I was at a party and met a man, who happened to be a 7th degree black belt in Tang Soo Do (a type of Korean Martial Arts). It just so happens that I’ve studied Tang Soo Do some time before, so we hit it off and he couldn’t stop talking. He’s been at it for 30+ years, well known in the World Tang Soo Do Association, ran schools, tournaments, etc…. He could talk about it 24 hours a day, it was his hobby, his passion and his business.
As a side note, I recruited him and his wife into my old business and he was pretty active for awhile. It was one of the easiest people I ever recruited because we had something in common that was his life passion.
Being an entrepreneur is 24/7, even when you’re not “technically” working.
Sure I like sports, music, travel, etc… but call me weird if you want too, all that is something I do to temporarily get my mind off of what I really think about pretty much all the time which is MARKETING.
As a matter of fact that is WEIRD.
It’s weird not having to fight traffic do something you either hate or tolerate, for 40 years because you HAVE TO pay the mortgage.
It’s weird not to always know whether it’s Monday or Friday, because you’re NOT living for the weekend.
It’s weird to think about creating profits, vs getting a raise without really contributing more, simply because you’ve “been there” for a while.
It’s weird to go take a nap in the middle of the afternoon if you feel like it, then wake up and see that you’ve made money because someone bought one of your products or some affiliate sales you’ve made.
That’s why it’s hard for people like us (well, I’m speaking about me mainly), to be around “normal” people for a long period of time. Because sooner or later they start talking about “money issues” or “work issues” or how they can’t wait to “get away” and go on vacation so they can forget about work.
Or people who spend HOURS talking about all the ways you can save money and find deals and all that…. while I’m sitting there thinking, “Why don’t you talk about how to make MORE money instead?”
I don’t know what to say to them because I can’t relate to it… that’s not my reality, that’s not the world I live in, and the best part is I’ve made a firm decision a long, long time ago NOT to be like that.
This is why what I do is my hobby.
The hardest part for me to accept was that not everyone is like that.
They want the rewards, but they don’t want to pay the price and become like that.
Instead of learning skills that can make them FINANCIALLY FREE… they’d rather mow the lawn, clean out their garage, play softball or whatever…
But anyone who reads and studies and goes to “meetings”… basically INVESTS IN THEMSELVES… they call “obsessed”.
Have you ever been called “obsessed”?
That’s good, because I’d rather be obsessed with making myself and my future better… then being obsessed with taking my mind off of what I hate to do… but HAVE TO DO IT.
You can actually take what you love and enjoy doing and MAKE THAT your business.
I wrote about it recently in a post – Do You Love What You Do?
So it’s ok for your business to be your passion, your hobby and something you think about most of the time.
And there’s absolutely NOTHING wrong with this.
Vitaly Grinblat

This is so what I have been wanting to do all of my life! My ice hockey career started too late to be there with Jari, Teemu, Saku and others but now I can do what makes me happy and play ice hockey too!!! and baseball and long distance skating and floorball and... Actually give a sport and I'll try it at least if I like it!!!

tiistai 23. lokakuuta 2012

Why branding yourself?

Benefits: from marketing and branding you.

It gives you a voice that is more likely to be listened to.
It allows you to zero-in on what you do best.
It makes you more credible.
It sets you apart from everyone else.
It helps people develop trust in you.
It keeps you on people’s minds.
It gives you new opportunities.
It can make you considered an expert in your field.
It helps you develop loyalty.

Can you see why branding you are important?

torstai 18. lokakuuta 2012

Never give up, never surrender!!!

Make sure you learn the lesson from here...

Let me know if you need help to start... I will make sure you will finish!!!

keskiviikko 17. lokakuuta 2012

Presidential elections in the US, local elections in Finland...

For my entire adult life, people have lost their minds during every election. I've been through Presidents Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush and now Obama. Three democrat and three republican. NONE of them have had an impact on my career, my hopes or my dreams. Cheer for your guy if you want. Feel miserable if your guy loses if you want. Feel elation or despair over the process if you want. No matter who wins in this election, in the end your life will still be in your hands... as it always was.
Eric Worre

I have been thinking the same as Eric about the elections... It really doesn't matter who sits in the office. I AM THE ONLY ONE WHO CONTROLS MY LIFE!!!

maanantai 15. lokakuuta 2012

Risky is the new safe!!!


"Imagine an executive at American Airlines seeing that monkey training show in Thailand. Can’t you just picture him thinking, 'Hmm…I wonder if we could replace our flight attendants with monkeys?'

"Obviously I’m joking, as flight attendants play an important role in maintaining passenger safety, and I’m writing this from seat 5G of an American 777 right now. But make no mistake: There are millions of jobs that can and probably someday will be performed by monkeys -- or dogs or cats or dolphins. Think about it: we’ve been using camels, horses, and mules as beasts of burden for centuries, so training animals to perform more sophisticated jobs is the natural next step. As new developments expand the number of species with which this is possible, chaos in the workforce will ensue.

"Oh, there will always be jobs for humans. But there will be far fewer of them, and they’ll be quite different that the ones we have now. Some of them will be designing the robots that will replace the humans in their jobs. Some of them will be working at the animal training farms. And some of them will be at the animal cloning farms. Oh, and some will be at the human cloning farms…

"Why will Jones & Sons Hardware on Main Street need to hire any outside employees when Mr. Jones, Sr. can clone all the boys he needs? Why keep paying average employees if you can clone six more of your best one? Why give tenure to a college professor when you can roll a brand new one off the assembly line whenever you need one?

"These developments will create a sea change in every sector of every industry in the world - and every sector of every industry in the off world industries as well. Everything you now know as safe is about to become very risky."

Excerpted from "Risky Is the New Safe"

lauantai 13. lokakuuta 2012

Is MLM a Bad Word?

Is MLM a Bad Word? (Forbes)
by Jody Coughlin

Ever been confused about how a “home business” works? Of course you have, so have we. Most people have heard the term MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) and usually at the end of that the word, “scheme” is added – giving the whole business model a bad name. Well…let’s change your negative perception and tell you how your Great Aunt Joan, actually earned that pink Cadillac from Mary Kay! It’s brilliant really…

Not only are “home businesses” or “MLM’s” very interesting, they are successful. Many of the longest standing organizations in this country have this business model. MLM is a marketing strategy in which the sales force is compensated not only for sales they personally generate, but also for the sales of others they recruit, creating a downline of distributors and a hierarchy of multiple levels of compensation. Most commonly, the salespeople are expected to sell products directly to consumers by means of relationship referrals and word of mouth marketing. Sounds legit right – so why the bad press?

Well MLM companies have been a frequent subject of criticism as well as the target of lawsuits. Criticism has focused on their similarity to illegal pyramid schemes (hence the “scheme” reference), price-fixing of products, high initial start-up costs, emphasis on recruitment of lower-tiered salespeople over actual sales, encouraging if not requiring salespeople to purchase and use the company’s products, potential exploitation of personal relationships which are used as new sales and recruiting targets, complex and sometimes exaggerated compensation schemes, and cult-like techniques which some groups use to enhance their members’ enthusiasm and devotion. Eesh!

However, as aforementioned, you may know people that sell products from Mary Kay, Avon, Advocare, Tupperware and the like. You know people who sell these types of products because they believe in the products and the companies that stand behind them. These companies empower those who sell their products to actually establish their own businesses, selling the products. This is very attractive to many entrepreneurial-minded people who do not want to have a boss watching over them but also want some pre-established structure and support. Most MLM organizations provide a very robust infrastructure and great training as well as impeccable rewards (hello free cars and trips!).

I recently spoke with San Diego based, Vicki Martin, about her experience with Rodan + Fields. Here’s her take on her home business and why the opportunity was so appealing for her and her family, “The decision to join Rodan + Fields Dermatologists came easily. Since 2008 the construction industry [which I was previously in] has been hit hard by our economic downturn and my income has been greatly affected. We were working harder for less like many of our friends. Being part of Rodan + Fields Dermatologists is allowing me to work with highly educated people who share a passion for business and for teamwork. Building a recurring, residual income that grows month over month is going to give my husband and I the peace of mind and financial freedom that is so vitally important to our future. My skin looks better than ever. And, I get to work my job around the rest of my life instead of the other way around.”

So, the next time you meet someone who runs a “home business” or “MLM” give them a high five for taking their career and life into their own hands and becoming an entrepreneur.

(source: Forbes)

keskiviikko 10. lokakuuta 2012

Feed your faith...

Setting targets for 2012 has been a focus for many business owners and Individuals over the past few Months. I have watched myself sitting on the fence, not getting caught up in the frenzy of activity, but still being totally willing for this year to be my boldest and most brilliant yet!

What has stopped me from making detailed plans is the sense of conclusion and limitation that comes with defining an outcome? - Fear -

I have a sense that so much is possible beyond what I am aware of right now, and if I make plans and follow them blindly, I risk not allowing the true possibilities for boldness and brilliance to show up in my businesses.

So for the next 2 and a half months I have set a goal. A major goal. 5 people will have the opportunity to create a life long residual income. 

perjantai 5. lokakuuta 2012

If money was not an option, what would you life look like?

Most people believe that if they can't "afford" their dreams now, they have to shrink them.

In reality, they have these two options:

1. Shrink their dreams, or
2. Increase their income

Art Jonak and Mike Potillo discuss how to use your bigger dreams as a tool to grow your income.

So what would you do with your dreams in one circle and your income in another, smaller one? You are not supposed to shrink your dreams but increase your income. Something spectacular as you deserve the best in life so you are not supposed to shrink your dreams. Increase your income!

maanantai 1. lokakuuta 2012

I have a dream...

I have a dream, a song to sing 
To help me cope with anything 
If you see the wonder of a fairy tale 
You can take the future even if you fail 
I believe in angels 
Something good in everything I see 
I believe in angels 
When I know the time is right for me 
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream 

I have a dream, a fantasy 
To help me through reality 
And my destination makes it worth the while 
Pushing through the darkness still another mile 
I believe in angels 
Something good in everything I see 
I believe in angels 
When I know the time is right for me 
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream 
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream 

I have a dream, a song to sing 
To help me cope with anything 
If you see the wonder of a fairy tale 
You can take the future even if you fail 
I believe in angels 
Something good in everything I see 
I believe in angels 
When I know the time is right for me 
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream 
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream 

These are the words of a very famous song more than a few years ago but, like many old sayings, they are still valid. Everyone should have a dream. Martin Luther King had a dream which he spoke out. Some parts of the world his dream has come to reality. Unfortunately, he is not here to see it. Somewhere else we still have a lot to achieve. If he didn't speak out his dream, it did not happen. Or if you believe in angels who look after you, they are there to protect you. You have to believe in your dream and it will come through. When you believe in your dream, every day you are one step closer to your dream. Make sure your dream is specific, measurable, achievable. realistic and time limited. The acronym is SMART. This way you know exactly what you are getting and when! The dream will realise when you know what you are getting...

This is my dream car. I will get it for next summer from Inchcape Espoo where I test drove it earlier this year. It will be Eclipse black (because of coffee...) EcoChic version... 403hp. Full specs as the EcoChic is. All have been decided already. This keeps my short term goals sorted. My medium term goal is to buy my own house and I have decided what house it is but I will not reveal that yet. Also it needs to be renovated to my needs, of course. My long term goal is to provide my pension and pension for my daughter. All this will be provided from my own work. Nobody else is going to work for it, I will not get any heritance or outside feed to this. All what I am going to get from others is the help to gain more knowledge, relevant knowledge, of course, regardless of where and how...
So what is your dream? I challenge you to write it out... When you are ready, share it out with someone. If you start working with me, I will be asking this from you. You will not be forced to reveal it to me but it would be nice to know what I will be helping to achieve. We are going to work together to achieve it. We will achieve it. Period.