maanantai 15. lokakuuta 2012

Risky is the new safe!!!


"Imagine an executive at American Airlines seeing that monkey training show in Thailand. Can’t you just picture him thinking, 'Hmm…I wonder if we could replace our flight attendants with monkeys?'

"Obviously I’m joking, as flight attendants play an important role in maintaining passenger safety, and I’m writing this from seat 5G of an American 777 right now. But make no mistake: There are millions of jobs that can and probably someday will be performed by monkeys -- or dogs or cats or dolphins. Think about it: we’ve been using camels, horses, and mules as beasts of burden for centuries, so training animals to perform more sophisticated jobs is the natural next step. As new developments expand the number of species with which this is possible, chaos in the workforce will ensue.

"Oh, there will always be jobs for humans. But there will be far fewer of them, and they’ll be quite different that the ones we have now. Some of them will be designing the robots that will replace the humans in their jobs. Some of them will be working at the animal training farms. And some of them will be at the animal cloning farms. Oh, and some will be at the human cloning farms…

"Why will Jones & Sons Hardware on Main Street need to hire any outside employees when Mr. Jones, Sr. can clone all the boys he needs? Why keep paying average employees if you can clone six more of your best one? Why give tenure to a college professor when you can roll a brand new one off the assembly line whenever you need one?

"These developments will create a sea change in every sector of every industry in the world - and every sector of every industry in the off world industries as well. Everything you now know as safe is about to become very risky."

Excerpted from "Risky Is the New Safe"

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