lauantai 24. marraskuuta 2012

A simple question?

This is a simple question.

How much security do you want to have in your life?

How much m.oney would you like to make?

How much fulfillment do you want to get out of what you're doing?

You know what MOST people say?

I just want to be happy.

What does that mean?

This answer is for losers.

You can be happy (and should be) right now, not when you GET something.

Happiness is not measured in m.oney or security.

So what would be the right answer?

Well, I don't claim to be expert, but I'll borrow Jim Rohn's quoote.

"How tall will a tree grow? As tall as it can!"

It doesn't stop when it "thinks" it's doing ok, right?

I think the key to living a full life is having this attitude of doing as much as you can.

So how much fulfillment should you be getting out of your work?

How much money should you make and security should you have?

As much as you possibly can.

By the way, it's common to associate entrepreneurs with "risk-takers" who avoid security because they don't want a steady job.

I disagree with that.

Actually I used to say the same thing, until I realized that the whole idea of having incredible security is what drives most people.

Well, actually it's security coupled with freedom, but the point is, that an entrepreneur understands there's NO SECURITY in a job.

There's no security in a career.

There's no security is having someone "provide" benefits for you.

Because you can lose ALL OF IT in heartbeat.

The ultimate security and freedom comes from YOU being in control.

But I'm not just talking about control as in having your own business.

Sure when you call the shots, there's some illusion that you're in control... but are you really?

Case in point.

A few years ago, almost every internet marketer depended 100% (or very close to it) on Google Adwords for their business. Including me.

When things are good, it's easy to kick back and take it easy.

That's what most people do and that's exactly what kills their business.

One change in regulation, one change in some corporate policy and your entire business, AND income can come to a screeching halt.

And it has for MANY.

That's why you want to have as MUCH security as you can and always be on the lookout for more.

Right now there's a HUGE opportunity to create a steady flow of leads and passive income from Kindle Books.

Not only is this ANOTHER source of leads and income, but it's still very much untapped by a lot of marketers and there's a HUGE shift going into that direction.

If you want to ride the tidal wave, NOW is the time to embrace it.

keskiviikko 21. marraskuuta 2012

Five tips to follow

Do you tend to think that a network marketing business is only for those who have either already situated themselves firmly within the world of business giving them the knowledge and skills you need, or for stay-at-home moms who are looking for a way to generate income.

The reason why most people choose to join a network marketing business is because they want to take control of their financial lives.

Of course, there needs to be some research done first in order to figure out which product and which company is going to best suit your particular needs.

Choosing a product you believe in and are passionate about is highly recommended as this will help when it comes to marketing the product.

Implement these 5 tips in your network marketing business starting today and start reaping in the benefits!

Tip #1 – Listen and Learn

    Pay attention to your mentors and what they have to say as they have been in the internet network marketing business for a number of years and therefore know the ins-and-outs of what’s expected and required.

Tip #2 – Use Tools

    Be sure to use any tools offered that can help you promote your product, keeping track of which ones work best for you.

Tip #3 – Focus on your Target Market

    Do your homework to find out who you should be targeting, which will save you lots of time.

Tip #4 – Social Media

    Take advantage of the many Social Media platforms that you can use that can help you market your products.

Tip #5 – Be Genuine

    Most people will buy only from those who they feel are honest and trustworthy.

    So if you’re true to yourself it will come across to your audience, who will be more open and responsive to you and your internet network marketing business.

torstai 8. marraskuuta 2012

10 steps to brand YOU

Step 1: Create a Logo Businesses
Blogs even individuals can stand to benefit from a compelling and memorable logo. The best logos are almost surprisingly simplistic; for example, think of the lowercase for that immediately brings Facebook to mind. The reason why logos are so important in the branding process is that people tend to remember images more vividly than they remember words and names, so if you can create a visual representation of yourself or your business that really stands out, youve already accomplished half of the branding battl lead to a dead end, so heres how to brand yourself both online and off to maximize your results.

Step 2: Focus on Making Genuine Connections
SAll too often, people think of networking as something they have to do for their business, and the entire process is suddenly imbued with a sense of dreadful phoniness. The real key to successful networking is to make an effort to forge real connections with people, both online and off. Every blog you contact for linkbacks should be one that you actually read and enjoy; every person you hand a business card to should be someone with whom you have found common ground. It may take a little extra work to network this way, but it will be far more effective in the long run.

Step 3: Synergize!
Every single piece of correspondence you send out, from emails to mass mailings of postcards, should have a uniform appearance that makes it identifiably yours. If theres a particular font you favor, use it on your blog and your business card. Place your logo everywhere. Always refer to your business by the same official name. You simply cant have one kind of identity online and a different one in the real world it will work against your branding efforts and leave people confused, or worse, disinterested

Step 4: Choose Unconventional Items to Promote Yourself
When it comes to integrating print marketing into your branding strategy, dont limit yourself to the old standards like postcards or flyers. Instead, you can make a real impact by choosing less expected items, like door hangers, magnets or custom stickers. When was the last time you found a door hanger on your front door that was promoting a blog or website rather than a restaurant or carpet cleaning business? Wouldnt you remember it if you had? Case closed.

Step 5: Your WebsiteTraditional websites
were fairly static, one-way conversations where the website's purpose was to inform/education, promote or sell to a specific audience. Today's consumers want more than that they want to know who they are doing business with; they want to know the voice behind the product andthey want to be able to have a conversation with that voice. If you have a traditional website, add a blog component to it and open up the conversation between yourself and your potential customers (and existing ones, too). Not only does it give a voice to your brand, it allows you to educate yourcustomers, build a relationship with them and market yourself. WordPress our Blogger are according to me the perfect platforms for adding that blog component.

WordPress It is open-source, free, and very easy to learn. You can add it on to any existing website or you can start from scratch and let your blog be the face of your online presence.

Blogger is very easy. If you can send an email, you can do a blog post. Plus, many people already have a g-mail account which makes it easy for them to comment on your Blogger blog and subscribe and follow you. If you're just starting out, go ahead and set up your free account to any of these platforms to give it a try!

Step 6: Your Email
This is a real easy one!! Use a signature block in your emails that you sendout. Include your name, website address, tagline (if you have one) or oneliner highlighting your area of expertise, and any other contact information you want in front of your potential customers. I believe strongly in the value of electronic mail in both corporate and personal domains. Email is cheaper and faster than a letter, less intrusive than a phone call, less hassle than a FAX. Using email, differences in location and time zone are less of an obstacle to communication. There is also evidence that email leads to a more egalitarian information structure.

Step 7: Be Part of a Two Way Conversation
Develop a list of other sites that encourage two way conversation and get involved. Leave meaningful comments onposts that interest you. Always use your first name or recognized nickname when leaving a comment. Do not insult the site owner by leaving keywords in place of your name I usually deletethose comments here. Do leave the URL of your website in the URL field (when available) and use an email address that works in the event that the site owner would like to continue the conversation directly with you.

Step 8: Get Social On Sociala Network
There are social networks for everyone and everything! Facebook , Twitter are just the tip of the iceberg. Social networks allow you to expand your own network and tap into the connections of others with similar interests.Be professional,consistent and genuine in all of your social networking endeavors and you never know what doors Discussion forums are another form of social networking. Find forums that are in your area of expertise or your potential customers area of interest and get involved. Ask questions and answer questions, be genuine and willing to give before you expect to receive anything!

Step 9: Use of Twitter and Facebook

TWITTER, How to use Twitter to land more clients. After content marketing, the second most successful way that I land clients is through Twitter. I click into the search box in my Hootsuite dashboard (you can do the same thing in the Twitter console). I search for phrases that match the services I offer, then I comb through the results and find tweets that match people looking for my services. Finally, I click through to the blogs from tweets that match my criteria and do one of three things: 1) Leave a comment 2) Submit a message through the contact form 3) Send an e-mail if an address is listed. That´s all I do. It´s so successful that Ive landed more clients this way than through content marketing alone. Granted, having meaningful content increases the chancesmthat these clients will sign on the dotted line (or click through to Paypal)

FACEBOOKE, veryone from the small business owner to corporate giants is realizing the viral power of Facebook to drive traffic to their websites and connect with new clients. Facebook has a friendly and welcoming atmosphere where most individuals won't ask why you've sent them a "friend request." Most are all too happy to have the attention and will gladly "friend" you right back. On Facebook, friends have access to each other's walls, pages, photos, videos, blog streams, and any other posted content. The emphasis of Facebook is on socialnet working. These people are yourfriends. Even if you are a Fortune 500 business, you are going to have to let your hair down a little bit in order to fit in with the Facebook crowd. No constant self promotion allowed. If a new friend feels that the only reason you befriended them was to peddle your wares, you will eventually find yourself friendless.

Facebook, is an excellent marketing tool, but just be mindful to build relationships first. The unique thing about this social network is the fact that your "friends" reflect your real life. Your list is a mix of collegefriends, co-workers, peers, neighbors, family members, and clients. Groups and Pages Facebook offers two distinct ways to market your business: creating a group or building a fan page.

GROUPS, Groups are organizations of people who are interested in whatever topic the group is associated with. Florida Real Estate could be a group. This group could include agents, mortgage brokers, investors and other clients. A group will require you to commit some time to moderation and monitoring of the discussions within the group, what goes on, what is said, etc. A group can be used to bring together like-minded individuals who can later become potential clients. Starting an "Orlando Area Real Estate Investment Group" is a perfect way to educate individuals who may have the desire to invest, but are unsure where to begin. Offering tutorials and discussing hot or controversial topics are excellent ways to "grow your group."

FACEBOOK FAN PAGE, On the other hand, creating a Facebook Page requires zero monitoring or moderators. A fan page can include a monthly newsletter, a virtual magazine, special offers, contests, your blog stream, polls,question and answer sessions, and more. A fan page can easily be integrated to stream your blog posts and post your tutorial videos or power point presentations. Getting visitors to your group or fan page can be accomplished by promoting them to your friends and networks, or by getting additional exposure throughadvertising opportunities offered by Facebook.

Step 10: Be a Guest Author
Most blog owners I know will gladly post an article written by someone else along with a byline, if that article is well written and pertinent to the site. This is a great way for you to share your expertise with a different audience and expand your reach at the same time.

Remember, branding does not have to be a headache. With a bit of ingenuity, it can offer many excellent opportunities to publicize yourself and your business.

tiistai 6. marraskuuta 2012

THE book to read...

As you probably know, "Think and Grow Rich" was published in 1937 after Napoleon Hill interviewed Andrew Carnegie, who at that time was the richest man in the World. According to the story, and prior to writing this must-read book, Carnegie had requested that Hill invest 20 years of his life to study the 500 most successful people in the World in order to determine what had made them so successful. And what was Napoleon Hill's 20 year conclusion? Hill discovered 13 specific principles these self-made individuals had in common – 13 principles he believed had collectively created their massive success. Today, I am once again reminded of one of Hill's 13 principles – "Persistence!" And my question for those of you who are still reading this, "How persistent are YOU?" Well, if you're a little weak in the Persistence department, perhaps these words will help you passionately peruse Persistence as much as they have helped me: "I will persist until I succeed!" –Og Mandino

maanantai 5. marraskuuta 2012

Correspondence from Joachim's friend

Mike Dillard Magnetic Sponsoring sent in an email to me with his list of books he read, and he explains what he had read and what he hanve done to get where he is today.

Micke Dillard ´s letter to me.

Well Joachim, I’m sitting here about 11:00 PM watching ”Walk The Line” for the fourth or fifth time, and every time I do, it still inspires me.


Because it’s about a man who followed his dream though hell and high water. He was willing to do whatever it took, and even managed to do so while battling the personal demons that haunted him and the conflicts he struggled with at home.

I want you to understand something about me, and from this day forward, I want you to take a long hard look at yourself and decided want it is that you REALLY want out of life because you’ve got to make a choice… You either do what you need to, or you don’t…

There is not middle ground… No ”have your cake and eat it to".

I’m not intelligent by society’s standard. It took me 5 years to graduate from college with a 2.0 and my newsletters have more spelling errors than Paris Hilton has boyfriends.

I took all of my finance classes, all of my accounting classes, and all of my math classes THREE TIMES EACH, before I passed them.

But I was smart enough to know a few things that most people don’t…

I knew enough to know, that there is no ”we’ll do it for you” solution to anything in life, let alone home businesses which usually prey upon those with that mentality.

I knew enough to know, that I needed to learn more if I was to get what I wanted, which is why I spent most of my college years not in class, but at Barne’s and Noble reading ”real” books on business.

I knew enough to know, that if I wanted to stop buying leads, I’d need to learn how to generate my own, so I bought some books and learned how.

I knew enough to know that if I wanted to sell my business and products to people, that I’d need to learn how to write a sales letter, so I bought some books and learned how.

I knew that if I wanted to make my own sales letters, I’d need to learn how to make a website, so I bought some books and learned how.

I knew enough to know that if I wanted to be successful in network marketing, I’d need to get over my fear of the phone, so I took a job that required me to make 200-300 cold calls per day, and learned how.

But here’s the one thing I NEVER DID during the past 6 years that allowed me to go from A to Rich

I never complained, I never whined, I never bitched, I never blamed anyone other than myself, and I never gave up because I would have rather spent my life in poverty trying than to have lived it in resignation that I didn’t have what it took.

I don’t want to burst your bubble, but here’s God’s Honest Truth…

If you want what I’ve got, you’ve got to be willing to do what I’ve done.

You’ve got to earn the right through blood, sweat, and tears, and there is NO alternative, so don’t ever ask me or anyone else if there’s an ”easy way” to do something.

Are you willing to do that?

Then here’s ”My List”… The price I paid to get to where I am, are found on my bookshelves.

Thing and Grow Rich
How To Win Friends And Influence People
The Aladdin Factor
Speed Enrollers
The Irresistible Offer
The Obvious Expert
Rich Dad, Poor Dad
The Science of Influence
Talking The Winners Way
The 12 Month Millionaire
How To Market A Product For Under $500
Influence: Science And Practice
Succeed And Grow Rich Through Persuasion
The Greatest Salesman In The World
The Prayer Of Jabez
The Automatic Millionaire
The Millionaire Republican
Think Like A Billionaire
Phone Power
Ultimate Guide To Networking
Magnetic Marketing
Dare To Win
The Purpose Driven Life
See You At The Top
The Wave 3 Way To Building Your Downline
The One Minute Millionaire
Pushing The Envelope
Selling To The Very Important Top Officer
Selling The Invisible
Wave 4
Striking It
7 Habits Of Highly Successful People
Article Blue Print
Product Launch Formula
Get The Edge
Zero Resistance Living
Beyond Freedom
Rich Jerk
33 Days To Online Profits
Traffic Stampede
Ultimate Copywriting Seminar In A Box
Freelance Writing Success In A Box
Internet Information Marketing Players Workshop
No BS Newsletter
$4,000 A Day In Your Underwear
Magnetic Sales letters
Underground Online Marketing Seminar
Yanik Silver Mastermind Group
Ultimate Copywriting Workshop
Ultimate Marketing Plan
Zero Resistance Selling
Dominating Adsense
Championship Prospecting
The Ultimate Information Entrepreneur
Butterfly Marketing
Tax Strategies For Business Professionals
Network Marketing Lifestyles Magazine
The Ultimate Online Swipe File
Hypnotic Sales letters
Ultimate Guide To Google Adwords
Benciveda Bullets
Giant Headline Swipe File
Landing Page Cash Machine
Million Dollar Manual
Psychological Triggers
Power Recruiting
Million Dollar Emails
Scientific Advertising
Spiritual Marketing
Under Achiever Formula
Countless hours of conference calls
Countless email newsletters from dozens of trainers
Countless phone conversations with successful mentors