maanantai 5. marraskuuta 2012

Correspondence from Joachim's friend

Mike Dillard Magnetic Sponsoring sent in an email to me with his list of books he read, and he explains what he had read and what he hanve done to get where he is today.

Micke Dillard ´s letter to me.

Well Joachim, I’m sitting here about 11:00 PM watching ”Walk The Line” for the fourth or fifth time, and every time I do, it still inspires me.


Because it’s about a man who followed his dream though hell and high water. He was willing to do whatever it took, and even managed to do so while battling the personal demons that haunted him and the conflicts he struggled with at home.

I want you to understand something about me, and from this day forward, I want you to take a long hard look at yourself and decided want it is that you REALLY want out of life because you’ve got to make a choice… You either do what you need to, or you don’t…

There is not middle ground… No ”have your cake and eat it to".

I’m not intelligent by society’s standard. It took me 5 years to graduate from college with a 2.0 and my newsletters have more spelling errors than Paris Hilton has boyfriends.

I took all of my finance classes, all of my accounting classes, and all of my math classes THREE TIMES EACH, before I passed them.

But I was smart enough to know a few things that most people don’t…

I knew enough to know, that there is no ”we’ll do it for you” solution to anything in life, let alone home businesses which usually prey upon those with that mentality.

I knew enough to know, that I needed to learn more if I was to get what I wanted, which is why I spent most of my college years not in class, but at Barne’s and Noble reading ”real” books on business.

I knew enough to know, that if I wanted to stop buying leads, I’d need to learn how to generate my own, so I bought some books and learned how.

I knew enough to know that if I wanted to sell my business and products to people, that I’d need to learn how to write a sales letter, so I bought some books and learned how.

I knew that if I wanted to make my own sales letters, I’d need to learn how to make a website, so I bought some books and learned how.

I knew enough to know that if I wanted to be successful in network marketing, I’d need to get over my fear of the phone, so I took a job that required me to make 200-300 cold calls per day, and learned how.

But here’s the one thing I NEVER DID during the past 6 years that allowed me to go from A to Rich

I never complained, I never whined, I never bitched, I never blamed anyone other than myself, and I never gave up because I would have rather spent my life in poverty trying than to have lived it in resignation that I didn’t have what it took.

I don’t want to burst your bubble, but here’s God’s Honest Truth…

If you want what I’ve got, you’ve got to be willing to do what I’ve done.

You’ve got to earn the right through blood, sweat, and tears, and there is NO alternative, so don’t ever ask me or anyone else if there’s an ”easy way” to do something.

Are you willing to do that?

Then here’s ”My List”… The price I paid to get to where I am, are found on my bookshelves.

Thing and Grow Rich
How To Win Friends And Influence People
The Aladdin Factor
Speed Enrollers
The Irresistible Offer
The Obvious Expert
Rich Dad, Poor Dad
The Science of Influence
Talking The Winners Way
The 12 Month Millionaire
How To Market A Product For Under $500
Influence: Science And Practice
Succeed And Grow Rich Through Persuasion
The Greatest Salesman In The World
The Prayer Of Jabez
The Automatic Millionaire
The Millionaire Republican
Think Like A Billionaire
Phone Power
Ultimate Guide To Networking
Magnetic Marketing
Dare To Win
The Purpose Driven Life
See You At The Top
The Wave 3 Way To Building Your Downline
The One Minute Millionaire
Pushing The Envelope
Selling To The Very Important Top Officer
Selling The Invisible
Wave 4
Striking It
7 Habits Of Highly Successful People
Article Blue Print
Product Launch Formula
Get The Edge
Zero Resistance Living
Beyond Freedom
Rich Jerk
33 Days To Online Profits
Traffic Stampede
Ultimate Copywriting Seminar In A Box
Freelance Writing Success In A Box
Internet Information Marketing Players Workshop
No BS Newsletter
$4,000 A Day In Your Underwear
Magnetic Sales letters
Underground Online Marketing Seminar
Yanik Silver Mastermind Group
Ultimate Copywriting Workshop
Ultimate Marketing Plan
Zero Resistance Selling
Dominating Adsense
Championship Prospecting
The Ultimate Information Entrepreneur
Butterfly Marketing
Tax Strategies For Business Professionals
Network Marketing Lifestyles Magazine
The Ultimate Online Swipe File
Hypnotic Sales letters
Ultimate Guide To Google Adwords
Benciveda Bullets
Giant Headline Swipe File
Landing Page Cash Machine
Million Dollar Manual
Psychological Triggers
Power Recruiting
Million Dollar Emails
Scientific Advertising
Spiritual Marketing
Under Achiever Formula
Countless hours of conference calls
Countless email newsletters from dozens of trainers
Countless phone conversations with successful mentors

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