lauantai 24. marraskuuta 2012

A simple question?

This is a simple question.

How much security do you want to have in your life?

How much m.oney would you like to make?

How much fulfillment do you want to get out of what you're doing?

You know what MOST people say?

I just want to be happy.

What does that mean?

This answer is for losers.

You can be happy (and should be) right now, not when you GET something.

Happiness is not measured in m.oney or security.

So what would be the right answer?

Well, I don't claim to be expert, but I'll borrow Jim Rohn's quoote.

"How tall will a tree grow? As tall as it can!"

It doesn't stop when it "thinks" it's doing ok, right?

I think the key to living a full life is having this attitude of doing as much as you can.

So how much fulfillment should you be getting out of your work?

How much money should you make and security should you have?

As much as you possibly can.

By the way, it's common to associate entrepreneurs with "risk-takers" who avoid security because they don't want a steady job.

I disagree with that.

Actually I used to say the same thing, until I realized that the whole idea of having incredible security is what drives most people.

Well, actually it's security coupled with freedom, but the point is, that an entrepreneur understands there's NO SECURITY in a job.

There's no security in a career.

There's no security is having someone "provide" benefits for you.

Because you can lose ALL OF IT in heartbeat.

The ultimate security and freedom comes from YOU being in control.

But I'm not just talking about control as in having your own business.

Sure when you call the shots, there's some illusion that you're in control... but are you really?

Case in point.

A few years ago, almost every internet marketer depended 100% (or very close to it) on Google Adwords for their business. Including me.

When things are good, it's easy to kick back and take it easy.

That's what most people do and that's exactly what kills their business.

One change in regulation, one change in some corporate policy and your entire business, AND income can come to a screeching halt.

And it has for MANY.

That's why you want to have as MUCH security as you can and always be on the lookout for more.

Right now there's a HUGE opportunity to create a steady flow of leads and passive income from Kindle Books.

Not only is this ANOTHER source of leads and income, but it's still very much untapped by a lot of marketers and there's a HUGE shift going into that direction.

If you want to ride the tidal wave, NOW is the time to embrace it.

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