perjantai 31. elokuuta 2012

Self-employed vs. job

This is why I do network marketing... It is rather long video but bear it all, it is worth it!!!

Why you never want to be interesting in network marketing

He's the most interesting man in the world and here's an eight-minute video describing why.

 A beer company has built an advertising campaign around a fictional man "whose blood smells like cologne" and who "has charm so contagious, vaccines have been created for it". While the video is a great laugh, it is also a great lesson on what network marketeers should not be - INTERESTING 

The Most Interesting Man in the World Is a Network Marketer?

I did a bit of research on the most interesting man in the world. What's interesting is that he's an actor named Jonathan Goldsmith who played "that guy" in all sorts of television shows and movies over the years. He also started a network marketing company back in the 80s..

But the point of today's article is that you don't want to be the most interesting man or woman in the world or even the room.

You want to be interested in your prospect. So interested that you can pick up on defensiveness and avoid pushing the sale.

How to Be More Interested Than Interesting

This is one of the most important lessons in network marketing - when you're interested in your prospect, you can find out what they want. That leads to their interest in you and how your solutions can help them.

Here are a few rules on being interested in your prospect:

- Be more interested in the people you are talking to than you are in the whole business of network marketing. Help your prospect get in the right frame of mind to talk with you by showing your interest in them first.

- Use your interest in the prospect to pick up on objections. When you're qualifying a prospect, your interest in them will help you pick up on those nonverbal cues of what they want and don't want. You can't help them until you know this information.

- Keeping the focus of the conversation on your prospect helps you transition through the conversation. When you help your prospect pinpoint their wants/don't wants, then you can invite them to look at the information that will help them get what they want.

- Your interest in your prospect builds their interest in you and what you have to offer. Not only will they be more willing to ask questions and/or share objections, they will be more willing to listen to you. All because you were interested in them first.

- Your interest in the prospect reveals pain points and solutions. When you show your interest first, you find their pain points and can connect those with products that will help them.

The Benefits of Being Interested vs. Interesting

This approach - being interested versus interesting - will help you help your prospects. You won't be seen as pushy or forceful, but helpful. You'll get far fewer objections and fewer barriers to your success.

I hope these tips help you realize that your genuine interest in your prospect is your most valuable tool for success in this business.

Please reply with any questions about today's topic or anything else weighing on your business. Your questions and comments help me understand how to better help you grow in your network marketing business.

sunnuntai 19. elokuuta 2012

The old tabu

I have been wondering this and stumbled on this while reading just now... Franchising was under lot of pressure in the 50's and 60's... In business world people were suspicious and condescending in regards to franchisees and there were lots of negative thoughts and talk in the world. There were court cases and companies went bust etc. etc. In today's world, Subway and McDonald's are the forerunners in franchise businesses and they are doing well. There are many others and some have fallen, like in any type of business. It is estimated that 90 per cent of all businesses fold before they are 5 years old. So why wouldn't some of them be franchise concepts, some of the network marketing concepts.
I guess network marketing is going through the same process as franchising was in the 70's. The first and heaviest trouble is past and some companies are worldwide and more and more are looking that way. Plenty of respect going to Amway for clearing the way for others to follow. I was reading about the court cases in the past and I had to read them a few times until I got the jist of it. Complex cases and Amway goes on!!!
So let's move ahead 50 years in time... Will there be franchise businesses around? Of course, over 100 years of prrof of good business concepts and still going... Some of them fall, few stay and keep going, like any business. Will there be network marketing businesses? Of course, only thing, it will not be such a curse word any more. People take is as natural as any other business model. Who knows there is even more ethical business model coming up? Currently, network marketing is the most ethical business model. I have to make sure my network is well established, then I an well established!!! If my organisation falls behind, my income will go down too!!! Simple. So I am looking for more friends looking to succeed in life and I want to help as many there as I can. Do you want to be a part of it? Fill in your name and email and I'll forward you seven videos of the typical mistakes network marketeers do. At the end of the series there is instructions how to contact me if you have done so already and I can show you the first steps and take you all the way to success!!! Are you ready? I am!!!

torstai 16. elokuuta 2012

Business opportunity for this century...

Here is the simplest way of starting a new business and the rest is shown later...

If you liked what you just saw fill in your email details and I will send you four more videos about this business opportunity or just click below

sunnuntai 12. elokuuta 2012

Reading suggestions...

I am currently reading Robert Kiyosaki's Cashflow Quadrant and it is quite interesting reading. It clarifies my thoughts about the current situation and possible outcomes regarding the pension boom coming up. I attended a seminar by the Federation of Finnish Enterprises last year and they said currently the balance is about 5 to 1 workers over pensioners but in 20 years time the balance is opposite: there are five times more pensioners than workers!!!!
I have got my own problem to solve with pension as I have been entrepreneur just about all my life and have been 'saving' on pension payments. So my solution to the pension plan is to have my own: network marketing!!! What is yours? People are living longer nowadays so by the time one gets to retire at the age of 65 and starts to get pension payments. By the age of 75 he or she might have spent all the pension savings and then what!?!? Start dusting the resume?

perjantai 10. elokuuta 2012

Imagine being able to rewire yourself, without spending thousands of dollars on a professional therapist. What if you could more easily overcome bad habits like smoking or snacking? What if you could raise your IQ, cultivate a positive wealth mindset, and awaken your mind’s natural healing capacity, all by simply working with your own mind? 

tiistai 7. elokuuta 2012

What if...

What if building your network marketing empire was actually fun and easy?
What if we changed the way you got paid?
And you got paid $200 for everyone you enrolled?
Or $50 for every presentation you made?
Or $5 for everyone you invited just to take a look?
You might see an hourly wage opportunity … invite four people an hour and earn $20 an hour.
Or piecemeal … $50 for every presentation
Or more of a commission opportunity where you would earn $200 for everyone you enrolled.
Which would appeal to you?
If your company paid you $20 an hour to invite and only to invite, could you make it fun? Could you invite a lot of people?
What if you were paid $50 for every presentation you did? Could you make that fun?
What if they paid you $200 for everyone you enrolled as a builder? How many could you enroll? How many would you?
Or maybe you have an investor’s mentality, and you think about doing something once and earning income on it forever.
So how many people would you enroll if you earned $100 a month on each person forever? Think about it. You enroll one person, and you earn $100 a month on them forever.
That makes each of them worth an income producing asset of over $25,000. That’s how much cash you would need to invest with 5% annual interest to earn $1,200 a year. That’s how much real estate equity you would need to earn $1,200 a year in rent.
Now consider the question again: how many people could you enroll as business builders if each added $25,000 to your net worth?
We make this profession hard because of how we think about it. And because we make it hard, it becomes hard and we don’t do much to make the opportunity work.Hard becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. But if we understood the economics and the math so well that we actually understood how fun and easy network marketing can be, how much more would we make of the opportunity?
If you invite two people a day to “just take a look,” that’s more than 500 people a year. Now 500 sounds hard, but only two a day—not so hard.
But still it conjures up the question … “Who am I suppose to talk to?”
And that’s a question that comes from thinking the opportunity is hard.
If I paid you $100 for everyone you invited, who would you talk to? You would talk to anyone and everyone!
Every profession has its batting averages. In baseball, we know that the average professional baseball player gets a hit every fourth or fifth time at the plate. The average MLB player earns $2,000,000 a year on those averages.
Network marketing professionals have been doing this for 50-plus years, and with over 475,000 people a week enrolling in a network marketing company somewhere in the world, we’ve got proven averages, too.
If you will allow your mind to wander with me and believe in the “inevitabilities,” I will show you how …
  • Everyone you invite can be worth $5.
  • Everyone you give a presentation to can be worth $25.
  • Everyone you enroll can be worth $100 now and $100 a month for the rest of your career.
  • And how each person you enroll can add $25,000 to your net worth.
These are the batting averages of the Network Marketing profession:
  • Invite 5 and you’ll get the chance to present to 1
  • Present to 3, and you’ll enroll 1 as a business builder
  • (If you use “leapfrogging” as part of your presentation technique, you can enroll 50-75% vs. 33%!)
So invite 15 to enroll 1.
Here’s what a typical month would look like using these averages:
  • Invite 52 people—less than 2 per day.
  • Give 10 presentations.
  • Enroll 4 business builders.
After 12 months, you’d have 48 business builders in your group.NOTE: Pace of play makes all the difference in the world. If you enroll 48 business builders over a two-year period, you wouldn’t get 50% of the results but more like 10% of the results. The people you recruit will build like you do, and if you move slowly, so will they! Doing all this in a year creates a fire in your business.
I have been a full time Network Marketing professional since 1977. I know very few people who have ever sponsored 100 people in their entire career. Many people I know who earn $50,000 or more a month sponsored 100-200 people, max.
Now 48 people is a lot in one year, but when you make it fun and easy … it really is fun and easy. And most importantly, it will create an organization that explodes. If you recruit 48 business builders in a year, you’re probably going to end up with 12 hard-charging leaders following the same plan you did. Out of the 12 hard-charging leaders, you will have four who do as much or more than you did … meaning they will be on a pace to sponsor 48 themselves.
Why? How do I know this?
Because you led. Not with words and directions but with massive action, and you made it look easy and you had fun. People follow easy and fun. People follow the money trail. They don’t want hard. Because you built a business that was on fire, they came to add wood to the pile.
Each of your four superstars will accomplish something similar to you, so by the end of their first year (the end of your second year) they will each have an on-fire business of their own. They will each have 3, 4, 5 or more superstars. At this point, you will be empire building, and you probably could not stop the growth if you wanted to.
We could say everyone else quits. But the hard-chargers will charge on and duplicate themselves. So let’s say the hard-chargers keep doing what they’re doing. How many people will you have in your group after just three years?

  • You
  • The 12 you recruited
  • The 144 they recruited
  • And the 1728 they recruited!
If each hard-charger uses and sells just $200 a month, your business is producing $376,800 a month in sales. If you earned an average of 7% on each sale you would be earning $26,376 a month.
You can start to see how easy it is.
  • Each of the 48 you enrolled: $549 each … every month
  • And the 144 presentations you gave: $183 each … every month
  • And the 500 people you invited to “just take a look”? $52.75 each … every month.
Now I know what you are thinking, Mr. or Ms. Make-it-hard. You’re thinking that you don’t have a prayer of earning $26,000 a month.
And you are right. That is a very long shot. The odds are against you.
But do you know what the aerodynamic odds are of a bumble bee flying given its weight and wing span? Zero. It is actually impossible. Good thing for them they don’t read.
You might ask what the average person earns. The answer is nothing. Average people make it hard and don’t ever get out of the batter’s box.
So let’s say you earn just 10% as much as the example above.
  • What if everyone you invited was worth $5 … but $5 a month forever?
  • What if everyone you presented to was worth $20 … but $20 a month forever?
  • What if everyone you enrolled as a business builder was worth $55 a month forever?
When you give each activity the right price tag—a reward high enough to make it easy and fun and worth it—then easy and fun and worth it become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

- copied from

maanantai 6. elokuuta 2012

Not too good of a day...

at least in regards to results. But since I was filling the application papers for the government subsidy for the starting businesses it still was productive. The plan is to start a limited company so the taxing would be easier in the long run. But we will see what they say on Thursday.
Otherwise the business is concentrating on the warm market like the relatives and neighbours and other acquaintances so the results are better. The cold market is more difficult but once you have run through your warm market you have enough experience to explore across the cold. In a sense this will make your life at home easier too since your relations will not reject your call any more when you try. They are not any more afraid that the 'recruitment' speech is coming up again. It is tough until then but I am getting through there soon. They still don't answer yet but the message is going through soon.
But enough for today. My migraine is still bothering but soon I get to sleep it off.

sunnuntai 5. elokuuta 2012

First posting...

This is always so exciting to make my first blog posting in any subject. This also sounds like I have been blogging for ages and various topics but there are actually just a few blogs that I write...
I am a hotel manager by trade but I left that career about a year ago when I realised there are other ways of succeeding. The plan was made and here I am. Still finding the final pieces to success but they are there. I can feel them already. Just to put them in right order is the key.

Please, subscribe to my email postings so you get to see the different possibilities. There will not be more than ten emails coming to you at any point, currently there are four.