sunnuntai 12. elokuuta 2012

Reading suggestions...

I am currently reading Robert Kiyosaki's Cashflow Quadrant and it is quite interesting reading. It clarifies my thoughts about the current situation and possible outcomes regarding the pension boom coming up. I attended a seminar by the Federation of Finnish Enterprises last year and they said currently the balance is about 5 to 1 workers over pensioners but in 20 years time the balance is opposite: there are five times more pensioners than workers!!!!
I have got my own problem to solve with pension as I have been entrepreneur just about all my life and have been 'saving' on pension payments. So my solution to the pension plan is to have my own: network marketing!!! What is yours? People are living longer nowadays so by the time one gets to retire at the age of 65 and starts to get pension payments. By the age of 75 he or she might have spent all the pension savings and then what!?!? Start dusting the resume?

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