sunnuntai 19. elokuuta 2012

The old tabu

I have been wondering this and stumbled on this while reading just now... Franchising was under lot of pressure in the 50's and 60's... In business world people were suspicious and condescending in regards to franchisees and there were lots of negative thoughts and talk in the world. There were court cases and companies went bust etc. etc. In today's world, Subway and McDonald's are the forerunners in franchise businesses and they are doing well. There are many others and some have fallen, like in any type of business. It is estimated that 90 per cent of all businesses fold before they are 5 years old. So why wouldn't some of them be franchise concepts, some of the network marketing concepts.
I guess network marketing is going through the same process as franchising was in the 70's. The first and heaviest trouble is past and some companies are worldwide and more and more are looking that way. Plenty of respect going to Amway for clearing the way for others to follow. I was reading about the court cases in the past and I had to read them a few times until I got the jist of it. Complex cases and Amway goes on!!!
So let's move ahead 50 years in time... Will there be franchise businesses around? Of course, over 100 years of prrof of good business concepts and still going... Some of them fall, few stay and keep going, like any business. Will there be network marketing businesses? Of course, only thing, it will not be such a curse word any more. People take is as natural as any other business model. Who knows there is even more ethical business model coming up? Currently, network marketing is the most ethical business model. I have to make sure my network is well established, then I an well established!!! If my organisation falls behind, my income will go down too!!! Simple. So I am looking for more friends looking to succeed in life and I want to help as many there as I can. Do you want to be a part of it? Fill in your name and email and I'll forward you seven videos of the typical mistakes network marketeers do. At the end of the series there is instructions how to contact me if you have done so already and I can show you the first steps and take you all the way to success!!! Are you ready? I am!!!

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