maanantai 6. elokuuta 2012

Not too good of a day...

at least in regards to results. But since I was filling the application papers for the government subsidy for the starting businesses it still was productive. The plan is to start a limited company so the taxing would be easier in the long run. But we will see what they say on Thursday.
Otherwise the business is concentrating on the warm market like the relatives and neighbours and other acquaintances so the results are better. The cold market is more difficult but once you have run through your warm market you have enough experience to explore across the cold. In a sense this will make your life at home easier too since your relations will not reject your call any more when you try. They are not any more afraid that the 'recruitment' speech is coming up again. It is tough until then but I am getting through there soon. They still don't answer yet but the message is going through soon.
But enough for today. My migraine is still bothering but soon I get to sleep it off.

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