maanantai 10. syyskuuta 2012

Five steps you need to do daily in network marketing...

The daily routine you should do as a network marketeer...
  1. Share your business
    Everyone should know about your business. There is a reason why you joined and someone else might find their reason to join, How would they know to join your business if you don't tell them about it?
  2. Share your product/service
    How would people otherwise get to know about your product/service? You need to stop and show them how you run your business. Keep your store open 24 hours a day!
  3. Build relationships
    These relationships are the meaningful ones, not that you meet a person and propose the business and move along. They need to be like the ones you have with your friends. Both listen to each other and provide a solution to a problem the other might have. Build them upline and downline, both are as important as the other. Let them know you are here.
  4. Promote events
    The upcoming events are the blood in your business so, of course, they need to be promoted. It doesn't matter whether it is conference, business presentation, webinar or a three-way-call coming up it is worth promoting.
  5. Personal development
    From these the personal development is the most important. Your ability to take hits and move from it is what people are admiring the most.... Be the rock you think you are! What kind of a sponsor you are?
Do these steps every day and eventually they will become such a habit that you build your business. Evaluate every day also did you do this day all five steps and if not. why not. Not to scold yourself but to learn and make the difference the next day.

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