maanantai 3. syyskuuta 2012

Seven tips

Today, I would like to share with you these 7 tips to help you be more professional and avoid a bad reputation by Tim Sales, author of Brilliant Compensation.

You can build a great reputation in network marketing by doing these seven things:

Tip # 1 - Always tell the truth.
  •     This boils down to being honest  in every interaction with your prospects and team. 
Tip # 2 - Be interested in helping others.
  •     This is the No. 1 way to build credibility and trust in network marketing.
  •     If you are genuinely  looking out for others’ well being and livelihood, you’ll go far in this business.
Tip # 3 - Do what you say you'll do - ALWAYS.
  •     If you say you’ll call at a specific time, call.
  •     Unless there’s a true emergency, you should live by your word.
  •     That will position you as a person of trust and integrity.
Tip # 4 - Increase your knowledge.
  •     The more knowledge you have about your product or service and company, the more influence  you will have.
Tip # 5 - Talk with people.
  •     You have to talk to people to expand your credibility.
  •     There’s no way around it.
  •     Use the 10 Communications Qualities and Inviting Formula to get the best results.
Tip # 6 - Increase your results.
  •     You’ll gain credibility as you grow your business.
  •     The better your results in helping others – either joining the business or with products – the more influence you will have.
Tip # 7 - Look for network influencers to join your team.
  •     These are people who live by these honest principles – helping others, telling the truth and being someone others trust.

I hope you found some tools to get you started on the path to building a solid network marketing reputation.

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