maanantai 3. joulukuuta 2012

To choose the right company for you

Choose The Right Company

For me are the dream and have always been and will always be the main driving force to get involved with MLM and why I do it. To know you why is a very good start when it comes to start you own MLM, online marketing business. So to what I wanted to talk about in this lesson. This is important for you to get started the right way you should make sure you do the following.

1: Find out what your why are (the dream)

2: Find the company you want to work with (the right company for you)

3: Does the company have a product that people want

4: Sign up

5: Write your 100 name list, or star to build your email list

Choosing the right company for you

The company

Find out that the company is serious by example. Check that it is registered with the Patent and Registration Office, to have VAT and company registration.

Go through the material company offers you to support your business and find out if and how you can get in touch with the company's management or administration.

The products / services

Make sure the products / services satisfy a real need that there are many people who would consider buying the product / service, the price is competitive, and that the company at least gives support to customers as market competitors do. This is something that is important.

Those of you who know what is MLM also know that it's not something you get rich fast without having to get to work on two, three, maybe five years or more to achieve success. Just like any other private business. Without the hard work and perseverance, and above all the dream of a better life that makes you do this, I usually think of MLM as a cheap form of franchise.

The commission

Try to understand the comp plan and what it provides is a good commission. Find out about if the goals you can think of as reasonable to achieve will provide the return for the work you think is acceptable.

Sign up Fees

Try to weigh the fee you have to pay to be representative of what you get out of it in the form of support, materials and opportunities, so you do not spend a lot of money unnecessarily. Do you think it's expensive others will enjoy it and your organization will not grow as quickly as you want .

Create your list

Start to collect names and email addresses you have on various email accounts, FB account, etc. Write them down in one place and start to contact them.

Get rich quick

Many of the unscrupulous companies promise you that you will become a millionaire in the very near future with almost no work have been inserted at all (get rich quick). There is a possibility to earn money through MLM, but it is always some work involved and a serious long-term commitment. It is also very important that the people you will work most closely with are positive and serious. That you will be well with them so that you get the help and support you will need along the way.

Today's tasks

1: Go online and start looking for the company you want to work with (the right company for you)

2: Sign up

3: Create your list

4: Take up pen and paper and sit down and start figure out your why you started and write it down when you figure it out. And go out and let the world know you.

lauantai 24. marraskuuta 2012

A simple question?

This is a simple question.

How much security do you want to have in your life?

How much m.oney would you like to make?

How much fulfillment do you want to get out of what you're doing?

You know what MOST people say?

I just want to be happy.

What does that mean?

This answer is for losers.

You can be happy (and should be) right now, not when you GET something.

Happiness is not measured in m.oney or security.

So what would be the right answer?

Well, I don't claim to be expert, but I'll borrow Jim Rohn's quoote.

"How tall will a tree grow? As tall as it can!"

It doesn't stop when it "thinks" it's doing ok, right?

I think the key to living a full life is having this attitude of doing as much as you can.

So how much fulfillment should you be getting out of your work?

How much money should you make and security should you have?

As much as you possibly can.

By the way, it's common to associate entrepreneurs with "risk-takers" who avoid security because they don't want a steady job.

I disagree with that.

Actually I used to say the same thing, until I realized that the whole idea of having incredible security is what drives most people.

Well, actually it's security coupled with freedom, but the point is, that an entrepreneur understands there's NO SECURITY in a job.

There's no security in a career.

There's no security is having someone "provide" benefits for you.

Because you can lose ALL OF IT in heartbeat.

The ultimate security and freedom comes from YOU being in control.

But I'm not just talking about control as in having your own business.

Sure when you call the shots, there's some illusion that you're in control... but are you really?

Case in point.

A few years ago, almost every internet marketer depended 100% (or very close to it) on Google Adwords for their business. Including me.

When things are good, it's easy to kick back and take it easy.

That's what most people do and that's exactly what kills their business.

One change in regulation, one change in some corporate policy and your entire business, AND income can come to a screeching halt.

And it has for MANY.

That's why you want to have as MUCH security as you can and always be on the lookout for more.

Right now there's a HUGE opportunity to create a steady flow of leads and passive income from Kindle Books.

Not only is this ANOTHER source of leads and income, but it's still very much untapped by a lot of marketers and there's a HUGE shift going into that direction.

If you want to ride the tidal wave, NOW is the time to embrace it.

keskiviikko 21. marraskuuta 2012

Five tips to follow

Do you tend to think that a network marketing business is only for those who have either already situated themselves firmly within the world of business giving them the knowledge and skills you need, or for stay-at-home moms who are looking for a way to generate income.

The reason why most people choose to join a network marketing business is because they want to take control of their financial lives.

Of course, there needs to be some research done first in order to figure out which product and which company is going to best suit your particular needs.

Choosing a product you believe in and are passionate about is highly recommended as this will help when it comes to marketing the product.

Implement these 5 tips in your network marketing business starting today and start reaping in the benefits!

Tip #1 – Listen and Learn

    Pay attention to your mentors and what they have to say as they have been in the internet network marketing business for a number of years and therefore know the ins-and-outs of what’s expected and required.

Tip #2 – Use Tools

    Be sure to use any tools offered that can help you promote your product, keeping track of which ones work best for you.

Tip #3 – Focus on your Target Market

    Do your homework to find out who you should be targeting, which will save you lots of time.

Tip #4 – Social Media

    Take advantage of the many Social Media platforms that you can use that can help you market your products.

Tip #5 – Be Genuine

    Most people will buy only from those who they feel are honest and trustworthy.

    So if you’re true to yourself it will come across to your audience, who will be more open and responsive to you and your internet network marketing business.

torstai 8. marraskuuta 2012

10 steps to brand YOU

Step 1: Create a Logo Businesses
Blogs even individuals can stand to benefit from a compelling and memorable logo. The best logos are almost surprisingly simplistic; for example, think of the lowercase for that immediately brings Facebook to mind. The reason why logos are so important in the branding process is that people tend to remember images more vividly than they remember words and names, so if you can create a visual representation of yourself or your business that really stands out, youve already accomplished half of the branding battl lead to a dead end, so heres how to brand yourself both online and off to maximize your results.

Step 2: Focus on Making Genuine Connections
SAll too often, people think of networking as something they have to do for their business, and the entire process is suddenly imbued with a sense of dreadful phoniness. The real key to successful networking is to make an effort to forge real connections with people, both online and off. Every blog you contact for linkbacks should be one that you actually read and enjoy; every person you hand a business card to should be someone with whom you have found common ground. It may take a little extra work to network this way, but it will be far more effective in the long run.

Step 3: Synergize!
Every single piece of correspondence you send out, from emails to mass mailings of postcards, should have a uniform appearance that makes it identifiably yours. If theres a particular font you favor, use it on your blog and your business card. Place your logo everywhere. Always refer to your business by the same official name. You simply cant have one kind of identity online and a different one in the real world it will work against your branding efforts and leave people confused, or worse, disinterested

Step 4: Choose Unconventional Items to Promote Yourself
When it comes to integrating print marketing into your branding strategy, dont limit yourself to the old standards like postcards or flyers. Instead, you can make a real impact by choosing less expected items, like door hangers, magnets or custom stickers. When was the last time you found a door hanger on your front door that was promoting a blog or website rather than a restaurant or carpet cleaning business? Wouldnt you remember it if you had? Case closed.

Step 5: Your WebsiteTraditional websites
were fairly static, one-way conversations where the website's purpose was to inform/education, promote or sell to a specific audience. Today's consumers want more than that they want to know who they are doing business with; they want to know the voice behind the product andthey want to be able to have a conversation with that voice. If you have a traditional website, add a blog component to it and open up the conversation between yourself and your potential customers (and existing ones, too). Not only does it give a voice to your brand, it allows you to educate yourcustomers, build a relationship with them and market yourself. WordPress our Blogger are according to me the perfect platforms for adding that blog component.

WordPress It is open-source, free, and very easy to learn. You can add it on to any existing website or you can start from scratch and let your blog be the face of your online presence.

Blogger is very easy. If you can send an email, you can do a blog post. Plus, many people already have a g-mail account which makes it easy for them to comment on your Blogger blog and subscribe and follow you. If you're just starting out, go ahead and set up your free account to any of these platforms to give it a try!

Step 6: Your Email
This is a real easy one!! Use a signature block in your emails that you sendout. Include your name, website address, tagline (if you have one) or oneliner highlighting your area of expertise, and any other contact information you want in front of your potential customers. I believe strongly in the value of electronic mail in both corporate and personal domains. Email is cheaper and faster than a letter, less intrusive than a phone call, less hassle than a FAX. Using email, differences in location and time zone are less of an obstacle to communication. There is also evidence that email leads to a more egalitarian information structure.

Step 7: Be Part of a Two Way Conversation
Develop a list of other sites that encourage two way conversation and get involved. Leave meaningful comments onposts that interest you. Always use your first name or recognized nickname when leaving a comment. Do not insult the site owner by leaving keywords in place of your name I usually deletethose comments here. Do leave the URL of your website in the URL field (when available) and use an email address that works in the event that the site owner would like to continue the conversation directly with you.

Step 8: Get Social On Sociala Network
There are social networks for everyone and everything! Facebook , Twitter are just the tip of the iceberg. Social networks allow you to expand your own network and tap into the connections of others with similar interests.Be professional,consistent and genuine in all of your social networking endeavors and you never know what doors Discussion forums are another form of social networking. Find forums that are in your area of expertise or your potential customers area of interest and get involved. Ask questions and answer questions, be genuine and willing to give before you expect to receive anything!

Step 9: Use of Twitter and Facebook

TWITTER, How to use Twitter to land more clients. After content marketing, the second most successful way that I land clients is through Twitter. I click into the search box in my Hootsuite dashboard (you can do the same thing in the Twitter console). I search for phrases that match the services I offer, then I comb through the results and find tweets that match people looking for my services. Finally, I click through to the blogs from tweets that match my criteria and do one of three things: 1) Leave a comment 2) Submit a message through the contact form 3) Send an e-mail if an address is listed. That´s all I do. It´s so successful that Ive landed more clients this way than through content marketing alone. Granted, having meaningful content increases the chancesmthat these clients will sign on the dotted line (or click through to Paypal)

FACEBOOKE, veryone from the small business owner to corporate giants is realizing the viral power of Facebook to drive traffic to their websites and connect with new clients. Facebook has a friendly and welcoming atmosphere where most individuals won't ask why you've sent them a "friend request." Most are all too happy to have the attention and will gladly "friend" you right back. On Facebook, friends have access to each other's walls, pages, photos, videos, blog streams, and any other posted content. The emphasis of Facebook is on socialnet working. These people are yourfriends. Even if you are a Fortune 500 business, you are going to have to let your hair down a little bit in order to fit in with the Facebook crowd. No constant self promotion allowed. If a new friend feels that the only reason you befriended them was to peddle your wares, you will eventually find yourself friendless.

Facebook, is an excellent marketing tool, but just be mindful to build relationships first. The unique thing about this social network is the fact that your "friends" reflect your real life. Your list is a mix of collegefriends, co-workers, peers, neighbors, family members, and clients. Groups and Pages Facebook offers two distinct ways to market your business: creating a group or building a fan page.

GROUPS, Groups are organizations of people who are interested in whatever topic the group is associated with. Florida Real Estate could be a group. This group could include agents, mortgage brokers, investors and other clients. A group will require you to commit some time to moderation and monitoring of the discussions within the group, what goes on, what is said, etc. A group can be used to bring together like-minded individuals who can later become potential clients. Starting an "Orlando Area Real Estate Investment Group" is a perfect way to educate individuals who may have the desire to invest, but are unsure where to begin. Offering tutorials and discussing hot or controversial topics are excellent ways to "grow your group."

FACEBOOK FAN PAGE, On the other hand, creating a Facebook Page requires zero monitoring or moderators. A fan page can include a monthly newsletter, a virtual magazine, special offers, contests, your blog stream, polls,question and answer sessions, and more. A fan page can easily be integrated to stream your blog posts and post your tutorial videos or power point presentations. Getting visitors to your group or fan page can be accomplished by promoting them to your friends and networks, or by getting additional exposure throughadvertising opportunities offered by Facebook.

Step 10: Be a Guest Author
Most blog owners I know will gladly post an article written by someone else along with a byline, if that article is well written and pertinent to the site. This is a great way for you to share your expertise with a different audience and expand your reach at the same time.

Remember, branding does not have to be a headache. With a bit of ingenuity, it can offer many excellent opportunities to publicize yourself and your business.

tiistai 6. marraskuuta 2012

THE book to read...

As you probably know, "Think and Grow Rich" was published in 1937 after Napoleon Hill interviewed Andrew Carnegie, who at that time was the richest man in the World. According to the story, and prior to writing this must-read book, Carnegie had requested that Hill invest 20 years of his life to study the 500 most successful people in the World in order to determine what had made them so successful. And what was Napoleon Hill's 20 year conclusion? Hill discovered 13 specific principles these self-made individuals had in common – 13 principles he believed had collectively created their massive success. Today, I am once again reminded of one of Hill's 13 principles – "Persistence!" And my question for those of you who are still reading this, "How persistent are YOU?" Well, if you're a little weak in the Persistence department, perhaps these words will help you passionately peruse Persistence as much as they have helped me: "I will persist until I succeed!" –Og Mandino

maanantai 5. marraskuuta 2012

Correspondence from Joachim's friend

Mike Dillard Magnetic Sponsoring sent in an email to me with his list of books he read, and he explains what he had read and what he hanve done to get where he is today.

Micke Dillard ´s letter to me.

Well Joachim, I’m sitting here about 11:00 PM watching ”Walk The Line” for the fourth or fifth time, and every time I do, it still inspires me.


Because it’s about a man who followed his dream though hell and high water. He was willing to do whatever it took, and even managed to do so while battling the personal demons that haunted him and the conflicts he struggled with at home.

I want you to understand something about me, and from this day forward, I want you to take a long hard look at yourself and decided want it is that you REALLY want out of life because you’ve got to make a choice… You either do what you need to, or you don’t…

There is not middle ground… No ”have your cake and eat it to".

I’m not intelligent by society’s standard. It took me 5 years to graduate from college with a 2.0 and my newsletters have more spelling errors than Paris Hilton has boyfriends.

I took all of my finance classes, all of my accounting classes, and all of my math classes THREE TIMES EACH, before I passed them.

But I was smart enough to know a few things that most people don’t…

I knew enough to know, that there is no ”we’ll do it for you” solution to anything in life, let alone home businesses which usually prey upon those with that mentality.

I knew enough to know, that I needed to learn more if I was to get what I wanted, which is why I spent most of my college years not in class, but at Barne’s and Noble reading ”real” books on business.

I knew enough to know, that if I wanted to stop buying leads, I’d need to learn how to generate my own, so I bought some books and learned how.

I knew enough to know that if I wanted to sell my business and products to people, that I’d need to learn how to write a sales letter, so I bought some books and learned how.

I knew that if I wanted to make my own sales letters, I’d need to learn how to make a website, so I bought some books and learned how.

I knew enough to know that if I wanted to be successful in network marketing, I’d need to get over my fear of the phone, so I took a job that required me to make 200-300 cold calls per day, and learned how.

But here’s the one thing I NEVER DID during the past 6 years that allowed me to go from A to Rich

I never complained, I never whined, I never bitched, I never blamed anyone other than myself, and I never gave up because I would have rather spent my life in poverty trying than to have lived it in resignation that I didn’t have what it took.

I don’t want to burst your bubble, but here’s God’s Honest Truth…

If you want what I’ve got, you’ve got to be willing to do what I’ve done.

You’ve got to earn the right through blood, sweat, and tears, and there is NO alternative, so don’t ever ask me or anyone else if there’s an ”easy way” to do something.

Are you willing to do that?

Then here’s ”My List”… The price I paid to get to where I am, are found on my bookshelves.

Thing and Grow Rich
How To Win Friends And Influence People
The Aladdin Factor
Speed Enrollers
The Irresistible Offer
The Obvious Expert
Rich Dad, Poor Dad
The Science of Influence
Talking The Winners Way
The 12 Month Millionaire
How To Market A Product For Under $500
Influence: Science And Practice
Succeed And Grow Rich Through Persuasion
The Greatest Salesman In The World
The Prayer Of Jabez
The Automatic Millionaire
The Millionaire Republican
Think Like A Billionaire
Phone Power
Ultimate Guide To Networking
Magnetic Marketing
Dare To Win
The Purpose Driven Life
See You At The Top
The Wave 3 Way To Building Your Downline
The One Minute Millionaire
Pushing The Envelope
Selling To The Very Important Top Officer
Selling The Invisible
Wave 4
Striking It
7 Habits Of Highly Successful People
Article Blue Print
Product Launch Formula
Get The Edge
Zero Resistance Living
Beyond Freedom
Rich Jerk
33 Days To Online Profits
Traffic Stampede
Ultimate Copywriting Seminar In A Box
Freelance Writing Success In A Box
Internet Information Marketing Players Workshop
No BS Newsletter
$4,000 A Day In Your Underwear
Magnetic Sales letters
Underground Online Marketing Seminar
Yanik Silver Mastermind Group
Ultimate Copywriting Workshop
Ultimate Marketing Plan
Zero Resistance Selling
Dominating Adsense
Championship Prospecting
The Ultimate Information Entrepreneur
Butterfly Marketing
Tax Strategies For Business Professionals
Network Marketing Lifestyles Magazine
The Ultimate Online Swipe File
Hypnotic Sales letters
Ultimate Guide To Google Adwords
Benciveda Bullets
Giant Headline Swipe File
Landing Page Cash Machine
Million Dollar Manual
Psychological Triggers
Power Recruiting
Million Dollar Emails
Scientific Advertising
Spiritual Marketing
Under Achiever Formula
Countless hours of conference calls
Countless email newsletters from dozens of trainers
Countless phone conversations with successful mentors

tiistai 30. lokakuuta 2012

maanantai 29. lokakuuta 2012

Confessions of Mike Johnson

'When I first I got into network marketing it was to free myself from the rigorous traumatic body damage that happens to many of the hands on workers of today. I worked much harder than It was worth and it was taking it's toll on my body and my family time. Through conservative efforts and limitless trial and error, I found the best possible path to a worry free and stress free approach to financial freedom.

Today my efforts are not just for me and my family time as was the case two years ago, but I now reach out to people who seek the better things in life and help them to make money online. Lots of it. My passion is and has always been helping others succeed so they can have the freedom to enjoy a better lifestyle.

If you know me at all then you might know of my history with the many
millionaires that have crossed my path in the business world and I am telling you this,
1) I use the same strategy that Donald Trump, Jay-Z, Celien Dion, Beyonce' and many others use to remain a success,
2) that you will soon feel and see the successful growth results yourself if you let me teach you HOW,
3) that you will learn the skills to function in any business at all using my simple and effective strategy. (must be coach-able)

Today, I am in the business to help people who believe in their dreams. I want people to join me and my elite team members in acquiring a rewarding lifestyle. Let me and my team help you achieve your goals and dreams. For serious inquiries and coach-able entrepreneurs wanting and seeking financial freedom.'

And I believe the same here. I am much happier helping others to financial freedom than I have ever been. The point is that I could die now as a happy man, I have achieved what makes me happy. But then again, why not help even more people to the same!!!

lauantai 27. lokakuuta 2012

What is your hobby?

What Is YOUR Hobby?

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Real FreedomThe other day my daughter asked me what’s my hobby.
Well, truth is… what I do IS my hobby.
Marketing, business, sales… ALL OF IT, I’m totally and completely consumed by it.
She thought about it for a moment and said “but that’s your work, I’m talking about a hobby.
So we walked over to a window and I started pointing to our neighbors houses…
“See that house there? They leave at 6 am to go to WORK and stay chained to a desk for 8 hours before they get to go home.”
“See this house over here… they leave at 7 am to go do the same thing.”
“And basically all our neighbors, except for stay at home moms (which we have a lot in our neighborhood)… have to get in their cars, drive to some places usually fighting traffic and stay there for 8 to 10 hours working for someone ELSE.”


And then I proceeded to explain to her that what I do is not really work. I mean of course I do work, as in I do things and create things, etc…. but see I get to do exactly what I want to do and do it on my own terms.
I showed her one site by a young man, who is passionate about fitness. He took that passion and turned into a huge online business.
Fitness is his hobby and he was able to turn his hobby into a stream of income.
Then I showed her some other websites of people who are passionate about music and other things that have taken these hobbies and turned them into PROFITS.
Can you really call this WORK, in the same way that all these other people go to work?
What about athletes and entertainers?
You think that a ball player has any bigger hobby than playing ball… and does he consider it work?
I don’t think so.
So my hobby? It’s all about business, marketing and creating things that cause profits.
See, I’ve started this a LONG time ago. Back when I sat in my very first opportunity meeting (you know that’s when people got together in a meeting, not on a webinar :) ), and I caught the entrepreneurial bug.
I started to read and listen to everything I could get my hands on that had to do with sales, business, etc…
And when you get “consumed” by something to this extent for a period of time… it starts becoming a major part of who you are.
Most people people think of their work and careers as something they DO when they work.
Years ago I was at a party and met a man, who happened to be a 7th degree black belt in Tang Soo Do (a type of Korean Martial Arts). It just so happens that I’ve studied Tang Soo Do some time before, so we hit it off and he couldn’t stop talking. He’s been at it for 30+ years, well known in the World Tang Soo Do Association, ran schools, tournaments, etc…. He could talk about it 24 hours a day, it was his hobby, his passion and his business.
As a side note, I recruited him and his wife into my old business and he was pretty active for awhile. It was one of the easiest people I ever recruited because we had something in common that was his life passion.
Being an entrepreneur is 24/7, even when you’re not “technically” working.
Sure I like sports, music, travel, etc… but call me weird if you want too, all that is something I do to temporarily get my mind off of what I really think about pretty much all the time which is MARKETING.
As a matter of fact that is WEIRD.
It’s weird not having to fight traffic do something you either hate or tolerate, for 40 years because you HAVE TO pay the mortgage.
It’s weird not to always know whether it’s Monday or Friday, because you’re NOT living for the weekend.
It’s weird to think about creating profits, vs getting a raise without really contributing more, simply because you’ve “been there” for a while.
It’s weird to go take a nap in the middle of the afternoon if you feel like it, then wake up and see that you’ve made money because someone bought one of your products or some affiliate sales you’ve made.
That’s why it’s hard for people like us (well, I’m speaking about me mainly), to be around “normal” people for a long period of time. Because sooner or later they start talking about “money issues” or “work issues” or how they can’t wait to “get away” and go on vacation so they can forget about work.
Or people who spend HOURS talking about all the ways you can save money and find deals and all that…. while I’m sitting there thinking, “Why don’t you talk about how to make MORE money instead?”
I don’t know what to say to them because I can’t relate to it… that’s not my reality, that’s not the world I live in, and the best part is I’ve made a firm decision a long, long time ago NOT to be like that.
This is why what I do is my hobby.
The hardest part for me to accept was that not everyone is like that.
They want the rewards, but they don’t want to pay the price and become like that.
Instead of learning skills that can make them FINANCIALLY FREE… they’d rather mow the lawn, clean out their garage, play softball or whatever…
But anyone who reads and studies and goes to “meetings”… basically INVESTS IN THEMSELVES… they call “obsessed”.
Have you ever been called “obsessed”?
That’s good, because I’d rather be obsessed with making myself and my future better… then being obsessed with taking my mind off of what I hate to do… but HAVE TO DO IT.
You can actually take what you love and enjoy doing and MAKE THAT your business.
I wrote about it recently in a post – Do You Love What You Do?
So it’s ok for your business to be your passion, your hobby and something you think about most of the time.
And there’s absolutely NOTHING wrong with this.
Vitaly Grinblat

This is so what I have been wanting to do all of my life! My ice hockey career started too late to be there with Jari, Teemu, Saku and others but now I can do what makes me happy and play ice hockey too!!! and baseball and long distance skating and floorball and... Actually give a sport and I'll try it at least if I like it!!!

tiistai 23. lokakuuta 2012

Why branding yourself?

Benefits: from marketing and branding you.

It gives you a voice that is more likely to be listened to.
It allows you to zero-in on what you do best.
It makes you more credible.
It sets you apart from everyone else.
It helps people develop trust in you.
It keeps you on people’s minds.
It gives you new opportunities.
It can make you considered an expert in your field.
It helps you develop loyalty.

Can you see why branding you are important?

torstai 18. lokakuuta 2012

Never give up, never surrender!!!

Make sure you learn the lesson from here...

Let me know if you need help to start... I will make sure you will finish!!!

keskiviikko 17. lokakuuta 2012

Presidential elections in the US, local elections in Finland...

For my entire adult life, people have lost their minds during every election. I've been through Presidents Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush and now Obama. Three democrat and three republican. NONE of them have had an impact on my career, my hopes or my dreams. Cheer for your guy if you want. Feel miserable if your guy loses if you want. Feel elation or despair over the process if you want. No matter who wins in this election, in the end your life will still be in your hands... as it always was.
Eric Worre

I have been thinking the same as Eric about the elections... It really doesn't matter who sits in the office. I AM THE ONLY ONE WHO CONTROLS MY LIFE!!!

maanantai 15. lokakuuta 2012

Risky is the new safe!!!


"Imagine an executive at American Airlines seeing that monkey training show in Thailand. Can’t you just picture him thinking, 'Hmm…I wonder if we could replace our flight attendants with monkeys?'

"Obviously I’m joking, as flight attendants play an important role in maintaining passenger safety, and I’m writing this from seat 5G of an American 777 right now. But make no mistake: There are millions of jobs that can and probably someday will be performed by monkeys -- or dogs or cats or dolphins. Think about it: we’ve been using camels, horses, and mules as beasts of burden for centuries, so training animals to perform more sophisticated jobs is the natural next step. As new developments expand the number of species with which this is possible, chaos in the workforce will ensue.

"Oh, there will always be jobs for humans. But there will be far fewer of them, and they’ll be quite different that the ones we have now. Some of them will be designing the robots that will replace the humans in their jobs. Some of them will be working at the animal training farms. And some of them will be at the animal cloning farms. Oh, and some will be at the human cloning farms…

"Why will Jones & Sons Hardware on Main Street need to hire any outside employees when Mr. Jones, Sr. can clone all the boys he needs? Why keep paying average employees if you can clone six more of your best one? Why give tenure to a college professor when you can roll a brand new one off the assembly line whenever you need one?

"These developments will create a sea change in every sector of every industry in the world - and every sector of every industry in the off world industries as well. Everything you now know as safe is about to become very risky."

Excerpted from "Risky Is the New Safe"

lauantai 13. lokakuuta 2012

Is MLM a Bad Word?

Is MLM a Bad Word? (Forbes)
by Jody Coughlin

Ever been confused about how a “home business” works? Of course you have, so have we. Most people have heard the term MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) and usually at the end of that the word, “scheme” is added – giving the whole business model a bad name. Well…let’s change your negative perception and tell you how your Great Aunt Joan, actually earned that pink Cadillac from Mary Kay! It’s brilliant really…

Not only are “home businesses” or “MLM’s” very interesting, they are successful. Many of the longest standing organizations in this country have this business model. MLM is a marketing strategy in which the sales force is compensated not only for sales they personally generate, but also for the sales of others they recruit, creating a downline of distributors and a hierarchy of multiple levels of compensation. Most commonly, the salespeople are expected to sell products directly to consumers by means of relationship referrals and word of mouth marketing. Sounds legit right – so why the bad press?

Well MLM companies have been a frequent subject of criticism as well as the target of lawsuits. Criticism has focused on their similarity to illegal pyramid schemes (hence the “scheme” reference), price-fixing of products, high initial start-up costs, emphasis on recruitment of lower-tiered salespeople over actual sales, encouraging if not requiring salespeople to purchase and use the company’s products, potential exploitation of personal relationships which are used as new sales and recruiting targets, complex and sometimes exaggerated compensation schemes, and cult-like techniques which some groups use to enhance their members’ enthusiasm and devotion. Eesh!

However, as aforementioned, you may know people that sell products from Mary Kay, Avon, Advocare, Tupperware and the like. You know people who sell these types of products because they believe in the products and the companies that stand behind them. These companies empower those who sell their products to actually establish their own businesses, selling the products. This is very attractive to many entrepreneurial-minded people who do not want to have a boss watching over them but also want some pre-established structure and support. Most MLM organizations provide a very robust infrastructure and great training as well as impeccable rewards (hello free cars and trips!).

I recently spoke with San Diego based, Vicki Martin, about her experience with Rodan + Fields. Here’s her take on her home business and why the opportunity was so appealing for her and her family, “The decision to join Rodan + Fields Dermatologists came easily. Since 2008 the construction industry [which I was previously in] has been hit hard by our economic downturn and my income has been greatly affected. We were working harder for less like many of our friends. Being part of Rodan + Fields Dermatologists is allowing me to work with highly educated people who share a passion for business and for teamwork. Building a recurring, residual income that grows month over month is going to give my husband and I the peace of mind and financial freedom that is so vitally important to our future. My skin looks better than ever. And, I get to work my job around the rest of my life instead of the other way around.”

So, the next time you meet someone who runs a “home business” or “MLM” give them a high five for taking their career and life into their own hands and becoming an entrepreneur.

(source: Forbes)

keskiviikko 10. lokakuuta 2012

Feed your faith...

Setting targets for 2012 has been a focus for many business owners and Individuals over the past few Months. I have watched myself sitting on the fence, not getting caught up in the frenzy of activity, but still being totally willing for this year to be my boldest and most brilliant yet!

What has stopped me from making detailed plans is the sense of conclusion and limitation that comes with defining an outcome? - Fear -

I have a sense that so much is possible beyond what I am aware of right now, and if I make plans and follow them blindly, I risk not allowing the true possibilities for boldness and brilliance to show up in my businesses.

So for the next 2 and a half months I have set a goal. A major goal. 5 people will have the opportunity to create a life long residual income. 

perjantai 5. lokakuuta 2012

If money was not an option, what would you life look like?

Most people believe that if they can't "afford" their dreams now, they have to shrink them.

In reality, they have these two options:

1. Shrink their dreams, or
2. Increase their income

Art Jonak and Mike Potillo discuss how to use your bigger dreams as a tool to grow your income.

So what would you do with your dreams in one circle and your income in another, smaller one? You are not supposed to shrink your dreams but increase your income. Something spectacular as you deserve the best in life so you are not supposed to shrink your dreams. Increase your income!

maanantai 1. lokakuuta 2012

I have a dream...

I have a dream, a song to sing 
To help me cope with anything 
If you see the wonder of a fairy tale 
You can take the future even if you fail 
I believe in angels 
Something good in everything I see 
I believe in angels 
When I know the time is right for me 
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream 

I have a dream, a fantasy 
To help me through reality 
And my destination makes it worth the while 
Pushing through the darkness still another mile 
I believe in angels 
Something good in everything I see 
I believe in angels 
When I know the time is right for me 
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream 
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream 

I have a dream, a song to sing 
To help me cope with anything 
If you see the wonder of a fairy tale 
You can take the future even if you fail 
I believe in angels 
Something good in everything I see 
I believe in angels 
When I know the time is right for me 
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream 
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream 

These are the words of a very famous song more than a few years ago but, like many old sayings, they are still valid. Everyone should have a dream. Martin Luther King had a dream which he spoke out. Some parts of the world his dream has come to reality. Unfortunately, he is not here to see it. Somewhere else we still have a lot to achieve. If he didn't speak out his dream, it did not happen. Or if you believe in angels who look after you, they are there to protect you. You have to believe in your dream and it will come through. When you believe in your dream, every day you are one step closer to your dream. Make sure your dream is specific, measurable, achievable. realistic and time limited. The acronym is SMART. This way you know exactly what you are getting and when! The dream will realise when you know what you are getting...

This is my dream car. I will get it for next summer from Inchcape Espoo where I test drove it earlier this year. It will be Eclipse black (because of coffee...) EcoChic version... 403hp. Full specs as the EcoChic is. All have been decided already. This keeps my short term goals sorted. My medium term goal is to buy my own house and I have decided what house it is but I will not reveal that yet. Also it needs to be renovated to my needs, of course. My long term goal is to provide my pension and pension for my daughter. All this will be provided from my own work. Nobody else is going to work for it, I will not get any heritance or outside feed to this. All what I am going to get from others is the help to gain more knowledge, relevant knowledge, of course, regardless of where and how...
So what is your dream? I challenge you to write it out... When you are ready, share it out with someone. If you start working with me, I will be asking this from you. You will not be forced to reveal it to me but it would be nice to know what I will be helping to achieve. We are going to work together to achieve it. We will achieve it. Period.

perjantai 28. syyskuuta 2012

I am creating jobs...

There are again news about people getting laid off in Finland. I am sure the rest of the world is doing the same as the recession wave sweeps the globe. There is one industry which is growing and getting more successful day after day: network marketing!!! That means I am creating new jobs for people who are getting laid off!!!

Well it had to happen sooner or later. One of the World’s LEADING Financial Papers singing the praises of Direct Selling. Whether you call it MLM, Direct Selling or Network Marketing, and everything in between, it’s essentially one and the same. This feature could not have come at a better time.
When your industry is featured in the Wall Street Journal as the ULTIMATE SOCIAL BUSINESS MODEL, you know you’re onto something.
It’s reading things like this that make me excited about what’s to come in Network Marketing.  The last 50 years or so has been about grounding the industry, and creating a NEW career path altogether.  As well as establishing it as a bonafide Business Model.  I mean if you STILL think it’s a Pyramid Scheme, then I am afraid even I would be at a loss for something to say.  Or perhaps what I would want to say, would not be my usual well mannered conversation.
What does this mean for the industry?  It’s something that not only effects NEW people looking at the industry, and boosting their confidence about the fact that there are very legitimate, honest companies out there.  It effects those within the industry.  With there being so many people that have been in Network Marketing for sometime now, but perhaps not getting the level of success they’d hoped for, they can see that it is a Business, and a very respected model at that.
Perhaps you have had people in your teams who have done it half  heartedly, but just need that little extra ounce of credibility.  I mean the industry has had some wonderful endorsements from some key modern day figures of our time, but this could tip the scales I think.  We’re now going to see a complete shift of how people perceive Network Marketing.

Another dramatic effect this will have on your business is that you’ll be able to talk to people that are in those HIGH PAID Jobs.  The ones that perhaps before may have turned their nose up at the idea of running a Home Based Direct Selling Business.  We have already seen a HUGE influx of Professionals from all sorts of industries come into the Industry.  This is a true testament to how powerful an industry it really is.
It may just be time to stop listening to those people around you that THINK they know what Network Marketing is, and try and warn you away from it.  Show them the article, it’ll be hilarious to see how they can argue their point now.  Anyone that knows me, will know, that I like to have fun with these people.
There are many companies mentioned in the article.  Below are just 7 of the TOP Performing Publicly Traded Companies;
- Avon
- Natura
- Herbalife
- Tupperware
- Oriflame
- Nuskin
- Primerica
There are MANY other companies too, but remember, this article can be used regardless of which company you represent.  The idea is to show people the INDUSTRY that you’re in.
Ensure you download your copy, and show it to as many people as you can.  This is definitely one for the books.  Please also share this site and article with your teams by clicking on the share links below, and commenting on it and showing your support for this site.  We have some AMAZING things in the pipeline, and are grateful you’ve taken the time to visit and become a part of the community.
Thank you for taking the time to build YOUR knowledge.

I forgot to add this video too!!!

lauantai 22. syyskuuta 2012

Someone is clearly thinking the same way as I am...

So this is what I stumbled upon (didn't actually use the Site ;-) ). He is writing down my thoughts just about exactly they are!!! This area of creating a brand of yourself is new and still finding its path where and when it goes... But please, have a look...

Jeff Bullas

keskiviikko 19. syyskuuta 2012

"The Two Types Of People To Recruit For Your Business And How To Find Them?"

The first thing we need to do is realize that "Network Marketing is an industry of marketing and promotion, pursued by people who have no idea how to market or promote."
I know that’s a bit ironic, but that is the simple truth.
95% of networkers are employees with no business ownership experience what-so-ever.
This is also why so many upline leaders teach the "shot gun" approach of making your list of 100 warm market contacts, getting information to them, and seeing who sticks... Anyone can do that. You don't need any marketing skills what-so-ever.
The only reason you're told to make a list and give CD's or your website to 100 people is that your upline knows that you've only got about 1 or two weeks of "pumped up" emotional enthusiasm about your new business and then the likely-hood that you'll ever do anything drops down to about 30% or less.
There are smarter ways to build your business which is what this is all about.
The first thing we need to do is define our target market. Essentially, your target market consists of people who are already using or consuming what you’re promoting.
When I first got started with my primary company, I had just quit my full time job.
"As I started talking with my sponsor about how I should begin building my business, I had the brilliant (or so I thought), idea of going after other recruiters like myself. Some people use the term 'Head Hunter'.
And why not!?
What better person to bring into the business than a professional recruiter! They have great phone skills. They're not afraid to call strangers. They interview people for a living, and have MASSIVE rolodexes of top notch people in various industries. 
A week later I had found, and then purchased a list of 6,000 recruiters from around the country. I started making phone calls and mailing packets.
Two months later, I had zip. Zero response.
I didn't get it.
What could have gone wrong with my brilliant master plan!?
Well, simply put, you can't sell a steak to a vegetarian now matter how incredible it might be. You can't market a product to someone who does not have the desire to consume it already present.
You can't sell an opportunity to someone who isn't looking for one, no matter how 'perfect you think they would be' or how much money you think they could make.
The first rule of marketing, is to sell products people want to buy, to the people who want to buy them.
Pretty basic stuff, but you'd be surprised how often people get it wrong, especially network marketers.
My lesson was learned and here is what I want to pass onto you today..."

In our industry, we have two target markets:
The first is our potential business partners.
This target market consists of one primary group of people: Other network marketers, or people who buy products and services related to building a network marketing business.
That's it.
My best advice is to only market to people who are currently in network marketing, or who used to be in it.
Can you go recruit your brother, neighbor, doctor, co-workers, or your Uncle Bob?
Yes, but that should be a "by-the-way" activity, meaning that if you happen to run into them and peak their curiosity, great.
But you should never, ever make those people the primary targets for your marketing efforts.
Only market to other networkers because these are the people actively buying what you sell! Opportunity leads are typically opportunity seekers, which is different than an opportunity buyer
Network marketers are 'opportunity buyers'!
A business seeker is nothing more than someone who filled out a survey and raised their hand to say "I would like to earn extra money."
That's it... And that's no different than me saying, "I would like to play professional baseball."
That doesn't not mean I have the skill set, desire, and ability to actually play pro baseball right?
So we are looking for people who already play the game.
Personally, I never buy opportunity leads anymore and if I were, then I wouldn't market my primary business to them first. I would market a front-end retail information product and myself as a leader.
This will help me generate instant cash-flow to pay for the lead costs and saves me a lot of time because it helps me instantly identify who’s truly serious about building a business and who isn’t.
Ok, our second target market consists of product customers. Because most people are in a nutrition based opportunity, we'll use that as an example.
Most people would think that their target market consists of people who have health issues.
But we want to get more specific than that.
How about people who have health concerns, and who actually spend money each month on health products... These people are your TRUE target market.
Just remember the difference between people who simply inquire about your offer, and those who are already spending money on something similar.
So how do you find people in these two categories?
Well that’s easy these days thanks to the internet.
For example, in the MLM Traffic Formula course, we teach you how to set up an entire marketing and lead generation campaign using articles, online press-releases, search engine placement, and pay-per-click.
Pay-Per-Click is my personal favorite because it allows me to show my advertisements just to the people who are actively looking for what I’m promoting.
This is called "target marketing, and it's the foundation of your marketing efforts.
Now when it comes to finding other network marketers, a lot of people ask me about genealogy lists. These are distributor lists of network marketers from their company or upline who have gone out of business or left the industry.
These are obviously targeted lists, but you’re left with the problem of how to contact them.
You can’t email the list because they didn’t opt-into your list, which means your only other option is to call them.
Personally, I didn't get into MLM to make 100-300 cold calls a day. That's what I did in my corporate days.
So, I found a way to get networkers to call me and this is what I teach others how to do.

torstai 13. syyskuuta 2012

Stories sell...

Have you ever had a boring teacher in school?
Do you remember sitting in that class while the teacher mumbles away for 45 minutes without stopping, citing facts, statistics and a bunch of other stuff you can’t remember because you and the rest of the students were basically half asleep?
We all had teachers like that, and then there were some teachers that were actually exciting to listen to.
Going to their class was fun.
They could make the most boring subject in the world fascinating.
What was difference?
In one word LANGUAGE.
How they used language to describe their subject.
And those who were actually interesting used a very effective tool of influence…

… Storytelling!

I truly consider it to be the master skill when it comes to salesmanship whether face to face, in print or online.
We are WIRED to pay attention to stories.
It’s part of our DNA and it’s reinforced by stories our parents and grandparents used to tell us when we were kids.
But unlike telling a story in class, in sales you want to use your story to actually sell your product, service or business opportunity.
Take any successful product out there and you’ll find a compelling story attached to the selling process behind it.
Look at the testimonials in infomercials… they’re mini-stories that paint a very vivid picture in your mind of the outcome these people got (and you automatically place yourself in their shoes, into the story). Works like a charm.
Listen to this story:
Years ago, a friend of mine in that business delivered an insurance payment to a widow after her husband collapsed of a heart attack, he was in his early 40′s.
Leaving a stay at home wife and 2 young kids with no income, and very little English, they lived in the country for just a couple of years.
He died only 5 days after taking out a policy.
The insurance check my friend brought to the family saved their financial life.
She was able to move out of a bad Detroit neighborhood into a small house in the suburbs and had some money left over to get her life together while looking for a steady job.
This story is a true story and people will be able to relate to them.
And unless these people were complete morons, in my opinion, how could anyone with kids say no to a small monthly payment to protect them?
But in many cases I didn’t even have to ask them like that… because after I simply told the story, and painted this emotional picture, often they’d ask me how do we get this and how much does it cost.
Telling this one story over the years has brought a lot of fat commission checks, and provided quality product to many, many people.
What I didn’t realize at the time though, is that you can sell ANYTHING with a good story.
Now of course you have to believe in your product, and you have sell what’s in their best interest, that should go without saying.
But at the end, a compelling story with your product, service or business opportunity serving as the solution that saves the day, eliminates the pain, solves a major problem, etc… is the emotional push your prospects need to move them into the buying zone.
So here’s a question, how can you make your product, service or business opportunity more compelling with a story?
Do you have a testimonial in the form of a case study?
A personal story of success using or applying what you’re selling?
Is there a compelling story behind the creation of the product or the inspiration behind it… a story that your prospects can relate to and identify with?
Coming up with one could be worth a Million Dollars to you or more.
It is the difference between successful selling and making no or very few sales.
The most successful sales letter ever written, is the Wall Street Journal letter.
And guess what… it’s a story.
Right out of the gate, the letter starts out with… “On a beautiful late spring afternoon, 25 years ago, two young men…..”
This classic letter is considered the most successfully mailed letter in the history of direct response, producing over $1 Billion.
I’d say that’s pretty dang impressive and something you can learn from.
I actually swiped this very opening sentence awhile ago and used it along with what I’m sharing with you here, in an email to sell a persuasion course for a client.
It was so effective it landed me a big project and 5-Figures, just from one email.
Do you think it’s worth mastering this skill?
If you’d like to really hone your story-selling chops, I highly suggest you grab Copywriter’s Guild.
In one of the Modules, David Garfinkel gives you the whole Wall Street Journal letter with all the psychology behind it… why it works and how to use stories in your own marketing.
PS. You have to remember that you can not lie. The whole idea is that you have to tell like it happened and to yourself. Selling a health saving product when you did not have that ailment to start with is difficult!

tiistai 11. syyskuuta 2012

Which one are you using...

The old fashioned methods of pounding the phones, holding meetings, pitching your business to leads, and trying to turn your friends and family members into business partners have come to an end.
“Prospecting” for business as you’ve known it, has become obsolete. It’s an irrelevant, old-school sales technology that is only pursued by individuals who have yet to discover the methods Magnetic Sponsoring is based upon.
I’d like you to stop and think for a moment. Compare today’s social environment to the world we lived in just 15 years ago.
Today, people are DROWNING under a flood of information, marketing noise, and endless options to choose from thanks to the internet.
Corporations have literally turned us into numbers, tracked our personal buying habits, categorized our topics of interest, and constantly use that information to drive as many customized offers into our viewing screen.
Entire industries, products, and pieces of legislature have been created just to help consumers manage the tidal wave… Think pop-up blockers, spy ware protection, spam filters, and the “Do Not Call List”
People have been forced to build fortified walls around themselves and their homes to fight back the onslaught of people trying to get their hands into their pocket book.
Solicitations are detested and met with frustration and impatience. We simply don’t want to be bothered which means no sane person would willingly build any kind of business based on cold-market prospecting, and in-your-face selling.
Yet... The internet has created an entirely new world of opportunity for everyone, where you can literally re-invent your life, and turn a simple thought into a business for little or no money at all.
Obviously, that’s a trend you intend to take advantage of, or you wouldn’t be here right now.
But unfortunately 95% of those who start a home business will fail themselves, and the primary reason for that failure is that they didn’t acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in today’s modern, competitive market place.

The key to success in today’s market is this…
If you’re going to sell something to someone, you’ve got to find a way to get invited into their world as a welcomed guest, instead of a pest.
Now you have two options when it comes to building your business…
You can simply play the numbers and contact enough people until you make a sale through traditional old-school prospecting and this is the path 95% of home business owners take.

You can position yourself in the market place in a manner that allows interested prospects to find you, and contact you.
Option #2 is obviously the superior choice for several reasons, but I’d like to point out one dynamic that is key to the concept of Magnetic Sponsoring…
Who finds and contacts the other person first is very important. In Option 1, you were chasing the prospect. In Option 2, the prospect was chasing you, which means you are perceived as the expert, and hold all of the power and value in that situation.
The prospect invited you into his world, and is basically asking you to sell him your goods or services. You get to instantly bypass all of the barriers and walls that must be broken down by everyone else, and all of the sudden this isn’t about selling any more.
You’re now in the position of the knowledgeable service provider who’s expertise has been sought out and pursued.
This is where you have to be today in order to break through the infinite noise in today’s market place.
How do you do this?
Simple… The most potent marketing weapon you have in your arsenal, is actually you – because unlike business opportunities, there’s only one of you in the entire world.
What we teach is how to use attraction marketing strategies to become that person... That leader and that expert that everyone wants to work with… The type of person whose phone calls and emails are welcomed and valued instead of detested and deleted.
You can be that person.
I’ve been studying human psychology for several years now, and what might surprise you, is that attraction between people isn’t really a choice, it’s a biological response.
By learning how to flip these attraction switches on within ourselves, we automatically begin to attract others.
Two of the most powerful triggers in existence are value and status.
People are genetically programmed to feel attraction towards others who have equal or higher levels of value and status and you’re no different.
We respond this way because we stand to gain power through an association with that person.
If you can establish a relationship with a person of greater status and value, your value and status automatically increase as well through that association alone.
New doors and opportunities are opened.
New, inside knowledge can be gained that’s only reserved for people within that circle.
New alliances and partnerships with other powerful people can be formed.
This is why you’re on training calls every week to gain insights from a successful team leader.
This is why you idolize the top distributors on stage at your company events and crowd around them to listen in on their conversations.
This is why your stand and cheer for your company’s CEO when he speaks.
These people have something of value to offer you, and by associating with them, you have power to gain.
We have been programmed this way from the very beginning, and if you struggle with sponsoring in this industry, now you know why.
I used to think that sponsoring was just about numbers. That is was about scripts and saying the right words.
But no matter what I did, I struggled to build a team of distributors for over five years, until I realized the difference between myself, and the leaders in my company who were sponsoring dozens of new reps every single month…
They were different because they held value in the eyes of their prospects and they knew how to convey that value in their marketing.
Their prospects saw this, and they were attracted to these individuals. They wanted to work with them and it was a privilege to be sponsored by them because they knew that there was power and knowledge to be gained in such a relationship.
So where does that leave you?
If you’re not sponsoring new distributors, if prospects don’t return your phone calls, or respond to your emails, it’s because you don’t hold any value in their eyes. You have nothing to offer them.
And that’s ok. Everyone start’s from square one, but if you want to achieve the highest levels of success in this industry, you need to change that.
The best way to increase your value to others, especially in this industry, is to increase your knowledge level.
That’s what I did…. I spent a good year buying every course I could on online marketing, copywriting, and personal development, and by the end of that year, I had so much to offer my prospects, that sponsoring literally became effortless.
So as we continue through this series, always remember that if you want to make the sponsoring process as easy as possible, you need to increase your value to your prospects by increasing your level of knowledge and experience.
Buy every book and every course you can because each time you do, you gain knowledge and skills that are extremely valuable and attractive to your prospects.
It has nothing to do with technological gadgets like auto-dialers, scripts, or lead lists.
I could give you all of those things, but if you didn’t hold any personal value in the eyes of your prospects, you would still find yourself struggling to build a team and acquire customers.
And that actually leads me to the second piece of our fairly large puzzle here…
There’s an old marketing cliché I came across about two years ago.
These two sentences played a critical role in the development of my business. They are absolutely crucial to marketing your opportunity and products successfully today. So come back tomorrow for more...